Chapter 33 ' Option 1 or Option 2?'

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    This had to be a dream. It just had to be.

     Either a dream or a really, really awful prank. I mean, what kind of grandpa kidnaps and threatens to kill their grandson's girlfriend?

     "Give us the room please," Mr. Thomas waved his hand at Mr. Davis and Andrew as he spoke. "I need to have a private word with Addison here."

     Andrew and Mr. Davis left wordlessly, the only sound they made was that of their footsteps on the cold concrete floor, followed by the door squeaking open and then slamming shut.

     Mr. Thomas dragged forward another chair that was pushed back into one of the far corners and placed it right in front of me.

     He dusted the cobwebs off of it before sitting down. "Now I'm sure that you must have a lot of questions," he smiled at me. "And I have a lot of answers, Addison. Or, sorry, what is it your mom and friends call you again? Addie? Hmm?"

     I grit my teeth at his comment. "Your grandson also calls me that too," I spat out.

     Mr. Thomas ignored my comment, acting like I didn't say a word at all.

     "Well Addie," he smiled wider. "I'm sure that your history teacher has told you about your fate and why you're here, but this doesn't have to end in your death."

     My heart was beating wildly in my chest.

     "I know that he wants revenge for his mate that my grandson and his little friends killed for trespassing on pack lands, and I'm ready to give him that, but," he leaned forward in his seat, his eyes locked on mine. "It doesn't have to be your death."

     I didn't say a word.

     What was he talking about?

     "Let me tell you a story, Addie. Do you like stories?" He tilted his head to the side.

     I stayed quiet. My lips were pressed into a firm line.

     "Once upon a time, before you were even born, before your mother was even born, there was a pack, not too far from here called The Blue Moon pack," he leaned back on his seat, his hands clasped tightly in his lap. "They were a happy pack, a peaceful pack, they never harmed anyone — not rouges or humans, no one. In fact, one of the families had a daughter that was a human, adopted of course."

     "The Blue Moon pack thought that they were going to change the world," Mr. Thomas laughed softly. "A human being raised among werewolves,  this was a first. They thought that they could lead by example, that when the girl turned 18 they would announce it to the world, tell everyone that the supernatural was real."

     I really hoped that Mr. Thomas kept on blabbing so that it bought me more time.

     "And sure enough the young girl did have a mate in the pack, the Gamma's son. And everyone was over the moon!" Mr. Thomas held a hand over his heart. "This was the beginning of a change. Everything was going to change, humans would know about us for once and for all."

     Mr. Thomas slowly slumped down in his seat. "But this isn't a happy story, Addie," he shook his head at me. "Because humans aren't good, they don't understand the werewolf world Andy hey never truly will. Humans are nothing but pure poison and death when it comes to the supernatural."

     I really didn't like where this story was going anymore.

     "The Blue Moon Pack revealed itself to the town nearby, they welcomed them all into their pack and showed them their ways of life. They showed them how they weren't really different at all," Mr. Thomas scoffed in disgust at his own words. "The humans, however, didn't think the same thing."

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