Chapter 5 'History and Myths'

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     "Don't tell Brad, but Mr. Davis, the history teacher, is super hot," Audrey told me once we took our seats at the back of the classroom. "He went on some self-healing journey last year for a few months and came back with muscles like Thor."

     "My lips are sealed," I promised, dropping into the middle seat between Audrey and Ivy.

     "He has this super intense stare," Ivy went on. "Like some days during class, after he came back from his vacation or whatever, I can just feel his eyes boring into me."

     "You sound like Oliva Baker when she tried asking Mr. Davis to be her date to the dance and he said no," Audrey laughed. "He's a teacher. Of course, he's going to be looking at us in class to make sure that we're not cheating or on our phones and actually doing the homework."

     "Wait, a student asked a teacher to be her date to a school dance?" I asked mortified. It doesn't matter how good-looking he is, he's a teacher for crying out loud! This isn't some early 00's teen movie.

     Ivy gave me a solemn nod. "Oliva Baker was always a little too bold."

     Before I could say anything else the classroom door closed and Mr. Davis greeted the class. "Good afternoon everyone, I hope that none of you have fallen into a food coma yet and are all eager and ready to learn."

     Ok, Mr. Davis was hot. He was totally hot and good-looking and I totally get why Oliva Baker would ask him out. He just screamed 'DILF' with the energy around him. He looked like if Chris Evan's face and Thor's muscles had a baby and that baby was him.

     "I agree," I whispered lowkey to the girls. "I totally agree."

     "I see here that we have a new student," Mr. Davis said. "Miss Addison Avery? Can you please raise your hand so I know where you are."

     "I'm right here," I said raising my hand as he asked.

     Mr. Davis looked up from his clipboard and nodded his head before he suddenly stopped and went ridged. His eyes quickly darted back and forth between me, Ivy and Audrey and he almost seemed to freeze for a split second before his eyes dropped back down to his clipboard and he scribbled something down. 

     "Miss Avery if you wouldn't mind sharing a textbook with either Miss Brown or Miss Jacobs today and then I'll get you your own for the beginning of the next class," Mr. Davis said.

     "You can share with me," Ivy scooted her chair closer to mine and pushed her textbook over. 

     "Thanks," I smiled. 

     "So last week we briefly started our unit on mythology and how it differed over time and location. We started to talk about how and why some myths might have come to be, and now we're going to continue on that same topic but focus our discussion on our own town, right here in Midnight Creek."

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