blue eyes black jeans

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Its always about eyes beacuse they cannot lie, mata Robert sangat cantik menurut Thomas. Biru seperti langit, seperti laut, seperti persib bandung (nggak dong) but for Robert, Thomas's eyes more beautiful. Robert see home and future.

"Beautiful, your eyes" adalah kalimat pertama yang keluar dari mulut Thomas sebelum bibirnya dilumat oleh Robert.

"You make me wanna make a sin" Thomas buru-buru menarik dirinya dari Robert.

"Whats wrong?"

"Were married Robert its not a sin"

And here we are again, sepertinya Robert memang harus mengasah lagi dirty talknya agar tidak berujung membuat Thomas emosi.

"Stop, you killing the mood" well Robert tidak sepenuhnya yakin, because Thomas is hard as rock right now.

"You sure, Tommy?" Robert mencium tengkuk Thomas yang duduk membelakangi dirinya membuat sekujur tubuh Thomas  merinding.

And thats how pedro was made.

So no wonder Pedro has bad dirty talk, and really obsessed with Pablo eyes, its came from his parent.

"You were killing the mood Pedro"

"Who the fuck tell you that telling my eyes look like emoji 🥺 is a good idea for dirty talk"

"Ferran" malah dijawab oleh Pedro

"Stop bergaul sama Ferran deh"

Well thats not how Ciro was made.

Memang ga jelas 🙏🏻🥹

we fell in love in octoberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang