momo mission

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(credit to artist) isn't she cute(❤'艸`❤)

Kira clone pov-

We finally arrived at the gates of Hana

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We finally arrived at the gates of Hana. Unlike my previous life, it looked different this time. There was no flowers blooming since it is summer now. Pity the flowers look magnificent. We passed through the village and reached the same old but newly build hanakage office.

(Déjà vu.... This reminds me of the first time I bought the Akatsuki here) I thought as we entered the building. I knock on the hanakage office door to be greeted with silence. Cracking the door open a little I peeked inside... it was pitch black (tf... where did everyone go). Opening the door wider, I signaled the Akatsuki member to stay put and stepped inside the room. I looked around the dark empty room, then turned to the door to speak something, when......

Third person pov-

A sudden shiver ran down Kira's back as she heard a voice next to her ear, whisper "what took you so long?" "......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screaming she punched the person behind her in full force sending them through the window and out the office building. Light poured in through the now shattered window, as Kira calmed down an took in her surroundings. Mele and Yuki ran to her side to see if she was alright, as Shiro just stood in the corner, to stunned to speak.

Yuki asked if she was alright as Mele turn to Shiro and said "told you she would punch him out the window and you said you wanted to take his place". "What hell was that.... And who did I yeet out the window" Kira asked looking at Yuki. "ohh don't worry sweet heart, it just Tsukino... he and your brother wanted to pull a small prank on you, that's all" she replied with a smile "well, he deserves it then... anyway I bought them as promised, now can I leave?" Kira said looking at Shiro. "But you just came, why not stay a few days" he asked with a puppy eye. "Come on bro, I am just a clone. You will meet the real Kira in a few months so be patient" Kira replied and poofed away before her brother could say something. "'sigh' fine" Shiro said slouching.

"'Ahem' should we get to business" asked Pein who, still was standing at the door with the other stunned Akatsuki members. "Definitely!" replied bleeding Tsuki, who just climbed back in through the window.

A few months later in Konoha-

Kira pov-

(ahh from what I know, apparently today is the day we are assigned for the momos mission... sure hope I can save both of them) I thought walking to the hokage's office beside my very lively team.

When we reached there, we were greeted by the old hokage sitting in all his glory as usual with Iruka sensei beside him. I bowed at the old man and waved at Iruka's sensei's direction, receiving a smile from him along with a grunt and an excited wave from Tobirama and Hashirama, who stood behind him. "Your next mission is to weed-." Iruka sensei begin but was cut off by Naruto. "OOH STOP WITH THOSE BORING MISSIONS SENSEI. Give us some real ninja missions instead!!!" "Naruto don't cut off sensei, it rude" Sakura scolded him "But he is telling the truth Saki. We are ninjas, we need to do some real mission." I defended him "see even Kira agrees Sakura-chan"

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