Don't Touch Me

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Caroline was sitting on her bed, her grey trackies sticking to her scrawny legs. It was 42i0;C (1070;F) and Caroline was sweating. She didn’t like to show off her body like the rest of the teenage girls – showing off their pretty much naked bodies to the public and to any guy that walked past. Caroline was insecure about her body, and summer didn’t help at all. 

One of the main reasons that Caroline didn’t want her body shown off to the world was that she basically has battle scars all over her legs and arms. Cuts and bruises had glued themselves to her body and they wouldn’t vanish, as new one slowly starting forming above the old.

She had the ground fan on that stood in the corner of her room, next to her chest of drawers, which was opposite the bed. Her bedroom wasn’t exactly the biggest room in the house, either. It was actually, one of the smallest. 

Caroline was laying on her bed, flicking through the latest issue of ‘Fab Girls’, a magazine totally devoted to making girls feel insecure about their size and face. It wasn’t the fact that she liked making herself worse; it was that this issue had the new red-glossy-like jeans token that she had been wanting for ages. When she got the middle of the magazine, she ripped out the token quickly and stood up, prancing around her room. Caroline stared at the token thoroughly as she danced her way into happiness. 

Dancing was something that Caroline enjoyed; it made her feel like an idiot sometimes, but she was good at it. 

When she was younger, Caroline did individual championship for dancing. The dances she had been taught include those such as hip-hop, jazz, ballet and Irish dancing. Yes, that’s right. Irish dancing. She was, however, rather good at it. Her father had taught her and was her coach until she dropped out at the age of 9. 

After she reached the age of 9, she had stopped every outside-of-school participation; whether it be sports, dancing or what, it had all stopped. 

Caroline continued dancing around the room. She pranced past her sound system and pressed play. Immediately, a song played. 

I hate this part right here….

I just can’t take your tears,

I hate this part right here..

She flicked through a couple of the songs until she found one that she liked.

We found love in a hopeless place,

We found love in a hopeless place….

Caroline continued to dance around her room until she heard a loud knock on her bedroom door. She turned down her music and opened the door. It was her father.

“Sweetie,” he smiled. “You have visitors.”

Caroline was shocked. “And who would want to see me?” 

“Come down and see,” he motioned for her to come out and to the sitting room. Caroline followed slowly, still completely confused on the note of who would want to visit her. 

Caroline went into the lounge room to be greeted with the five boys from next door; Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis. They were being served soda and biscuits by Caroline’s mother. 

They had just recently moved in; a couple of days ago. The five were rather nice to her mum – like you know how you are really nice to your parents when you want someone? Yeah, that’s how they were acting. 

“Thanks Tina,” they took in turns saying as they took their cups. Tina was Caroline’s mothers name. She looked really young for a women who has a 16 year old daughter. Her dark blonde hair falling down her back like it had been paid to do what it does and look good all of the time. Caroline had gotten her looks and hair from her mother, hardly none of Caroline’s features came from her father. 

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