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"get up and out you two"

i was greeted by the sight of almost everyone standing above me and Jeongin, trying to shake us awake.

"what's wrong?"

i darted into a sitting position while a still tired Jeongin cuddled into my waist, not wanting to get up and face whatever we had at the moment.

"guards everywhere y/n, we have to go NOW"

Felix stumbled tiredly into the room just as Changbin finished saying that. i shook Jeongin awake quickly.

"up, we have to go. stretch and be ready to go"

i said, getting out of bed as everyone scrambled around, grabbing our essentials.

"are they the same as the ones from the asylum?"

i whispered to Minho and he paused.

"yes and no. there's guards from the asylum yes, but there's a guy from when we were at the protests"

Minho clarified for me and i peeked out the window, trying to be careful about who could and couldn't see me.

"you can't see them from here. you'll see them later"

he said as Chan rushed around, gathering everyone for a team meeting in the kitchen.

"we have to be quick, quiet, and most importantly don't stray off from the group. i know it's cold, but take off those squeaky puffy jackets"

Chan instructed, removing his own as an example.

"there's coats in there. just take them before we go"

Hyunjin said, shivering slightly as went into a room. it had a particularly large closet, and there were nice leather coats in there.

most of us grabbed a coat and snuck out to the track, trying not to make noise or alert anyone that we were here.

"follow me, Lix and I know where it is"

Jisung whispered as we walked quickly, the sound of gravel crunching under our shoes growing increasingly louder with each step.

we made it to some very beautiful place covered with white marble and glass. it would have been especially beautiful if people weren't walking all over, looking for 9 people to kidnap.

"split in pairs again. i'll go alone and first to check if the coast is clear"

Chan whispered as we stopped in a secluded alleyway next to the building. we all started whisper protesting at this.

"Chan you are not going alone. do you see all the people??"

"if anything we should have one group of three"

"i'll be fine. just follow after me two at a time"

he kept on insisting and we dropped the subject, trusting Chan to get us to safety. when has Chan not been trustable?

"eyes up, stop spacing out"

Jisung gripped my jacket hood and tugged gently, urging me to get up and follow after the rest of the group that had already left in their pairs.


i whisper shouted as i saw a guard harshly turn their eyes over in our direction. Jisung and i quickly crouched down behind a truck as a pebble rolled so fucking loudly away from us.

"Guard 325, land movement on the eastern side of the building"

the guard said loudly into his walkie talkie as he walked over. Changbin looked at us worriedly and the both of us shooed him off before we all could get caught.

everyone left the area, but stayed within eyeshot. they should've just left but of course they wanted to make sure we were safe. Jisung and i didn't dare to move for fear the guard would shoot.

"move back"

Jisung whispered directly into my ear, sending shivers down my spine as we cautiously moved back.

the truck door swung open and someone awfully familiar stepped out.

"is there a problem?"

a familiar voice rang out as they slammed the door shut, startling me and Jisung.

"no sir, we had no idea you were in there"

the officer said with false confidence, a slight shake in his voice giving his headstrong persona away.

the man scoffed as the officer's footsteps quickened, probably running back to his designated post.

the two doors on the side Jisung and i were on suddenly swung open.

"come in, don't be shy"

the man laughed kindly. the voice was much softer than before, welcoming me and Jisung with warmth.

Jisung motioned for me to step into the back while he sat in the front.

"how'd you get here? i- we watched you leave with everyone else"

i asked him and he smiled softly, turning to me.

"i'm supposed to keep you safe, of course i wasn't about to let you and Jisung get caught by a bunch of security guards"

he laughed.

"that doesn't explain how you're here. and why wasn't the guard suspicious of you?"

Jisung asked cautiously. Jisung tilted his head to the left, probably signaling that he doesn't trust him and that we should run.

"i have a way of making people trust me"

he said simply, starting the engine and driving around to the entrance of the building.

he was driving awfully slowly. Jisung and i saw no need to jump out of the car. he did seem trustworthy but this entire situation was a little fucked up.

"go on, everyone's waiting for us. i'll hide my car and come after you"

he said urgently as Jisung and i quickly got out of the car and quietly ran to the entrance.

"see you soon Channie"

i whispered and waved goodbye. Chan smiled and waved goodbye as well as Jisung pulled me to go inside, and we did.

Chan's POV

"oh y/n"

i sighed softly.

"you shouldn't have touched anything"

i took a strand of hair from the seat y/n had been sitting on. now we have everything we need.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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