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i woke up and felt myself stuck between Hyunjin and Jisung. they had their arms wrapped around me and partially each other.

i was just thankful they weren't dead or in a coma. the warmth radiating from their cuddles made the bed so comfortable i felt myself slowly falling back asleep.

i woke up again. but i didn't wake up? i woke up in some alternate reality.

"where the hell am i"

i muttered to myself as i stood up from the tree i was leaning on, supposedly having been sleeping before this.

i looked to the right and saw a typical Korean high school. students were everywhere and walking around happily. there were some people eating on a bench.

"wait am i lucid dreaming?? this is actually so cool"

i was awestruck as i walked around. i finally get to see what it would have been like if i hadn't been fucking kidnapped and brainwashed.

"y/n! hey"

i flinched as someone set their hand on my shoulder. they quickly took it off seeing my reaction.

"sorry, i just wanted to talk to you"

i turned around to see Minho. he had a sweet smile on his face as he started talking.

"you're doing it with us right? the film competition?"

Minho asked nervously. he was fidgeting with his fingers and tie. it was kind of cute how innocent he is here compared to the world i'm from.

"oh yeah of course! i'll be there, just let me know where you want to meet"

i said. i tried my best to be convincing but i had no idea what film competition i agreed to, hell i barely know where i am.

"meet us in front of the school. i'll see you later"

Minho said as he ran away towards the school. i watched him run away, tilting my gaze upwards as soon as i could no longer see him.

then my heart started racing.

"Seoul of Performing Arts?"

the name sounded familiar when i said it out loud.

"y/n hey!"

Jeongin came up to me and waved with his happy little smile as usual.

"omg Jeongin hi!"

i said as Jeongin stopped running right in front of me. he looked a little confused.

"Jeongin? since when did you stop calling me I.N"

he said, sadly pouting as i started panicking.

"oh sorry i was a little tired I.Nnie. i just woke up from taking a nap under the tree"

i said assuringly, trying to stop one of my children from being sad. Jeongin's happy smile reappeared immediately.

"let's walk to class together! yours and Seungmin hyung's class is right next to mine apparently"

Jeongin said as we walked together. he talked a lot about how he was worried about his upcoming tests and stuff, so i reassured him.

it felt nice to be able to talk to him. i've never gotten to know him deeply since we don't know ourselves.

"i'm gonna go in class now. fix your name tag by the way"

Jeongin said, pointing to his own as he smiled and rushed into class.

i looked down at my name tag and realized that i've seen it before.

"holy shit, this is a memory huh?"

i muttered to myself as i unclipped my name tag and put it in my skirt pocket.

(normalize skirts with pockets fr ☹️. i was at KCON wearing a skirt and i had to hold everything)

Seoul of Performing Arts, the same name tag, us being at the same school. our past kinda makes sense now.

everyone's personality is technically the same. but we just don't know who we are yet.

"what are you thinking so hard about"

Seungmin sat in the chair in front of me and flicked my forehead. i groaned and smacked his arm while he laughed and looked at me expectantly for an answer.

"just thinking about the film competition"

i lied. i felt bad lying to Seungmin's face, but... wait why can't i just tell the truth? this is a dream/memory.

"ahh, gotcha. the others had everything prepared in advanced in the clubroom, so let's go there after school"

Seungmin said as he patted my head gently as an apology for flicking it earlier. he went back to his seat and we waited for class to end before going to the clubroom together.

"oh hey you two. everyone else is still coming here"

Hyunjin greeted us as we entered the room. i smiled and waved at him.

"i'll be on camera"

Seungmin said as he took a very expensive looking camera out of the closet. everyone else started flooding into the room at once.

"we were just about to head out to the field to shoot a scene. let's go"

Hyunjin instructed as he shoved all of us out of the room. i was last to leave, so Minho pulled me by the hand and we walked to the field together.

"you're acting as.. i think my girlfriend? ask mr. director Chan, he knows"

Minho pushed me towards Chan, but not before i saw a slight blush spreading across his face.

Minho acts the same in this memory as he does in real time. good to know our personalities are mostly the same.

"Chan, whose girlfriend am i acting as again? Minho had me ask mr. director since he didn't know"

i said teasingly. Chan was probably chosen as director since he's the most responsible of all of us.

"you're Minho's girlfriend? i don't know why he had me ask you. you two are literally the main characters"

Chan scoffed while slightly smiling. i nodded, trying not to show my confusion out of fear i would somehow ruin the memory.

the filming was very successful. i was hella tired from running around from place to place, but it was fun. Minho kept me company.

"alright, this is the last scene we're gonna do before editing it all together"

Chan said as he waved everyone over. we all collapsed down in front of the rooftop door. we had just climbed about a million stairs to get there.

"just a minute please"

Felix was dying on the floor while Changbin looked about ready to climb up a ton more stairs. fucking ton of stamina man.

"Seungmin, camera. I.N, lighting. Minho and y/n, get in position"

Chan instructed and we all obliged. everyone not doing the scene just watched and waited for the camera to start rolling.


Chan said. Minho and i looked into each others eyes as Minho reached for my hand.


a voice said as i felt my hand being gently snatched away from Minho's.

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