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"this is really the last day here huh?"

i said bitterly to my friends. we've come to school for the last time. now is when we have to grow up and become adults.

i held my school name tag in my hand. today's the last day of wearing it.

"i thought i would be excited but i just... don't wanna go"

my friend Jisung said. i nodded. we hated school but at the same time, it held so many memories.

"come on, it's the last day of school! no more homework and scolding from teachers. cheer up a little"

Felix said encouragingly. he was trying to lighten the mood between us. everyone else was so happy, but Jisung and i..

it felt so unreal.

"let's go outside and take one last picture in front of the school. then we can go hang out and celebrate"

Chan said. he started walking outside and the rest of us followed.

"come on y/n!"

Minho said as he held my hand and ran outside, dragging me along. i laughed a little and matched his pace after pocketing my name tag.

"wait slow down, she's gonna trip"

Hyunjin said as he grabbed my other hand and slowed us. the three of us walked hand in hand to the front.

we got in a good position and took a selfie with the 9 of us. the end of school is supposed to mark freedom, so why do i not feel happy?

Jisung faked a smile during the picture. i did too. it felt like something was just wrong with both of us.

"let's go to the park, just like how we used to when we were broke and messing around"

Seungmin suggested. he led the way and we followed.

"Jisung, y/n, are you ok?"

Chan asked. Jisung stayed silent.

"yeah, it just feels unreal now that it's over. i hope we all stay together and do stuff together even though school is over"

i said sadly. Chan nodded as if to tell me he understood how i felt.

we got to the park and we ran to our favorite spot: the little spinning wheel on the floor. we would all hold onto the rails and spin with the 9 of us.

Jisung started wandering off. i followed. it's never good to leave Jisung alone. he's definitely going to get lost.


i started but trailed off. i could feel Chan's gaze on us as we walked away. we kept walking until we saw a random elevator.

"what the fuck is this doing here"

i muttered to myself.

"it looks kinda cool"

Jisung said with a smile as he walked toward the elevator. i smiled back. he hasn't been very happy lately, so it was nice to see him smile a little.

"y/n help me open the doors"

Jisung said as he tried to pry open the doors. it looked like a very old fashioned elevator. i pulled the other side and it opened.

"this is so cool"

i said as i looked around in awe. my eyes fell on a particular button underneath all the others: hell.

"Jisung what if this is a movie prop- what kind of elevator would be here and read hell"

i laughed a little bit. Jisung pressed the button. it did nothing but glow up a little bit.

"you're right. let's lea-"

Jisung couldn't finish his sentence. i screamed as we dropped super fast with the elevator.


"heyhey it's ok, come here"

we were pretty much laying on the top of the elevator since we were going down so fast. Jisung wrapped his arms around me as we fell to the floor, presumably at wherever this 'hell' was.

"you ok y/n?"

Jisung asked. his arms were still wrapped around me. he's always protecting me and not thinking about himself.

"i should be asking you that. i'm the one who landed on top of you"

i said, lightly scolding him while rolling off and checking Jisung for any injuries. we were surprisingly fine despite having fallen so far.

we got off the elevator and it shot back up.

"Jisung look, it's so beautiful"

we walked around where we landed. the grass was pink and the sunrise was beautiful.

"come catch me!"

Jisung said as he took off running. i laughed and followed him.

"y/n! Jisung!"

i heard voices calling us from behind. it was everyone else running after us. some of them were still on the floor of the elevator.

"hey! how was the ride?"

i asked Jeongin teasingly. he groaned.

"it was scary as hell but no one's hurt"

he said. everyone was talking and having fun together, even Jisung.

"uh, guys?"

Chan said. we all turned our attention to him. he was pointing at the sky. our smiles faded at what we saw. it was a different world. an upside down one.

then everything went black.

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