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"i was so worried"

i ran to Jisung tearily and jumped on him to give him a fat hug. he laughed and pressed my head gently into his chest while rubbing my back. i felt him press a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"i missed you both a lot"

Jisung said softly as i pulled away and he hugged Changbin. 

"bro what happened to your arms??"

Jisung asked in amusement as he stared at the bulging muscles and veins on Changbin. i rolled my eyes.

"he ate some substance out of a container and it made him all buff and veiny"

i said as Jisung pushed Changbin's veins in and watched them pop back out while giggling.

"well now we pretty much know that everyone landed in this general area. we don't have to worry about them being put across the world"

Changbin said assuringly as Jisung and i both breathed out sighs of relief.

"can we get out of here and search for everyone else? it's kind of cold in here"

Jisung pleaded as he motioned to the open cabinet. there was a pulled out tablecloth with dishes on top of it, presumably what caused the crashing noises earlier.

the mention of coldness caused goosebumps to rise on my body. Changbin nodded and rubbed my arms while he led the way out of the cold kitchen area.

we got back to the construction area where dust was flying. it was much darker than earlier, which made no sense because it was sunny earlier. we were only in the room with Ji for 5 minutes. the moon was also red.

"Ji, Bin, do you hear that?"

i asked the two of them while i looked to the left. there was a tarp that covered part of a gate.

"hear what?"

Jisung said. Changbin didn't say anything, but they both had confused looks on their faces.

"i don't know but i heard beeping"

i said as i walked ahead towards the tarp covered gate. the two of them followed behind me.

"i can hear it now. it sounds like a quieter airhorn"

Changbin said, peering through the holes of the gate as  Jisung and i pulled the tarp off and away from the gate.

"holy shit what the fuck"

all three of us started coughing and covering our faces. a fucking sports car just drove by and dust went flying into our faces.

once the dust had settled down, we opened the gate and ran to stand under the streetlamp before another car could pass by.

the same car that had passed by approached us, gradually slowing down before coming to a stop. out stepped two faces we were rather relieved to see.


i said happily as i gave Chan a big hug.

"i was so worried about you. i'm glad you're safe and with us now y/n"

Chan said as he breathed a sigh of relief, squeezing me comfortingly before letting go. i ran to hug Hyunjin next as he finished hugging Changbin.

"were you worried about me?"

Hyunjin whispered teasingly in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me affectionately.

"of course. i was worried that you guys would be transported somewhere else. i missed you"

i smiled in relief as i gave Hyun a peck on the cheek and walked back towards the rest of the group.

(what y/n didn't see is that Hyunjin turned away from the group so no one saw his face turning all kinds of pink)

"why were you guys in a race car?"

Changbin was asking Chan while Jisung stared with super bright eyes, clearly interested in the conversation occurring.

"i don't really know. we teleported and woke up in the driver and passenger seats, so we went for a drive"

Chan laughed as Jisung was excitedly looking around and inside the car.

"can i go in it?"

Jisung hopped around me and Chan happily while shoving Chan towards the driver's seat.

"i'll drive"

i said as Jisung whipped his head around to look at me.


"wait- do you even know how to drive?"

Jisung gave me an excited hug while Chan just looked at me worriedly.

"no but i can try 😄😄"


Changbin shut down my idea immediately. honestly, it was probably for the best. Ji looked so happy i couldn't say no to him.

"you wanna drive us?"

i asked Changbin. he rolled his eyes and Chan tossed him the keys.

"take us all for a drive now will ya?"

Hyunjin said as he jumped in the backseat. Jisung and i followed suit, with me somehow ending up in the middle. Chan was the passenger princess.

"one lap and we go find the others, okay?"

Chan turned, looking at the three of us in the back with a stern look. we nodded at the same time and Changbin started driving.


i shouted as soon as we turned the curve. there was a random crane we were heading towards. everyone got thrown to the left side of the car, then the right.

it also didn't help that no one except Changbin and Chan were wearing seatbelts...

"are you guys ok?"

i asked worriedly as i watched the two of them clutching their heads, most likely because they had been thrown into the window.

"put the fucking seatbelts on"

Chan yelled as Changbin slowed down slightly to prevent any more casualties.

neither Jisung nor Hyunjin were in the state to be doing it themselves, so i did it for them before doing it for myself.

"y/n? i don't think this is normal"

Hyunjin said weakly before he passed out, his head collapsing onto my own. not ten seconds later, Jisung fell onto my shoulder.

"Changbin, we need to get these two back to the building to rest. they might have concussions"

i said worriedly as Changbin sped up. the two of them carried the unconscious boys inside the dorm area.

"please wake up"

i pleaded quietly to myself as i knelt beside the two, placing their hands to my forehead as i closed my eyes.

"Chan and i will be next door. you should try to get some rest before we find the others"

Changbin said sympathetically as he patted my back. i smiled at him sadly and he left the room. i sighed and changed into some clean clothes lying around the bed.

i looked at Hyun and Ji before turning off the light and navigating my way to bed, looking outside at the streetlight before tucking myself in between them.

then i noticed the moon had turned white again.

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