Red looked a lot smaller when Dean walked on the mat. Dean was almost as tall as Kane and just as built. He swallowed any room he was in. Yet, she didn't seem intimidated. They circled each other and I really watched her closer this time to figure out what it was that made her so good. Speed was one thing but it couldn't just be speed. We had some of the best shifter warriors in the world. For her to be able to take them all down in one sitting went far beyond just being fast.

Does she always strike first? I asked Hunter as she lunged for Dean.

Yep. She's definitely favors offense, rarely defense.

I nodded, watching her block every hit Dean sent her way. She was well-trained. Every block wasn't just a block. She controlled the direction she blocked to put him in a vulnerable position and leave him open for a hit.

She was observant, I realized. Just like Nessa, without the empath part. She watched Dean's every move and adapted her own moves as she did. That's what she was doing different. She wasn't only using her own moves, she was watching his, learning them, then turning them on him. Goddess, she wasn't kidding about good at adapting. We clearly had very different fighting styles but the more she and Dean sparred, the more her movements looked like his. But wouldn't it be better to use an unfamiliar style so he wouldn't know what was coming?

Then I saw it again. The little smile of victory. How could she be so confident?

She apparently had reason to be. Four moves later, Dean was on the floor, looking completely taken aback. He tried to fight her to get up at first but she slammed him back down until he huffed and uttered words I'd never heard him say to anyone except Kane. "Yield."

You're up, Hunter said, nudging me. Please don't let a visiting pack kick our ass on our own territory.

Who says I'm going next?

Hunter said, apparently. After I asked, he shrugged, then pushed me onto the mat.

Thanks, I said, sending him a glare.

He smiled. Anytime.

Red was off to the side getting another drink of water, but she glanced over. Her eyes darted up and down me like they had with everyone else and she handed the bottle back to Ezra before joining me at the center of mat and bringing her fists up.

I expected her to strike first, but shit. She hit me so hard it didn't matter I blocked it, I still stumbled back. I came at her next and she blocked every move, a concentrated frown on her face. That concentration stayed through several back and forths until I was able to actually knock her off her feet.

For what little good it did. She jumped back up within seconds and then I was on the ground.

I rolled away from her attacks and got back on my feet, watching her again. She was imitating me, just like she did with Dean. She came at me again, this time using a technique I often saw Dean favoring. Then one I was used to with Hunter. Goddess, how did she learn them all so fast?

Out of breath and sweat dripping never happened so quickly but Hunter wasn't kidding. She was fast. If I hadn't watched her before, I'm not confident I would've been able to pull off the move that gave me an advantage. We alternated hitting and blocking until I managed to block one of hers enough to throw her off balance. I got behind her and got her in a chokehold with my arm. It seemed like I had the advantage. Seemed. Then something happened.

She turned her head enough to see me, and I saw it. The little smile of victory.

Shit. That couldn't be a good sign.

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