Start from the beginning

He doesn't touch her skin. His hands are in safe spots–her middle back giving her support, the other is behind her head, pillowing her from the hardness of the wall, she is practically sitting on his thigh. Feeling his muscles is a whiplash. She stutters, fumbles–genuinely confused at herself. She can't manage to look at him, not with his swollen red lip close, not when she can smell him, see the thrum of his pulse at the side of his neck, feel his heat suck her in, his breath brushing and sweeping down places that brought her unfathomable joy. Is she the one that bruised his lip?

She wiggles, he releases her, moves to the side and she holds herself back from scrunching her face in disappointment when his heat harshly leaves her.

He was too far away.

She heads for the door. What was she doing?

Sora rolls her eyes from behind the piano. Jungkook's breathing is louder to her ears. He is walking in circles, his eyes aimlessly sweeping across the floor then a sigh–a sharp, deep sigh. He groans and he drops to the floor, hitting his back against the piano with a startling thud. Sora gasps at the impact. Waiting for him to leave.

He groans, ruffles his hair and another deep sigh releases from him and he is still. Silent. A ticking bomb by how his fingers tap on the floor.

Leave. Leave. Sora begs.

His confession was concise, almost arithmetic. So perfectly coded it wouldn’t surprise her if he got it from a textbook.

She did feel sorry for him. He was tattling on egg shells. The long pauses were suffocating while he scoured for words, probably having a hard time getting a read on Lorlei–her humming made things more uncomfortable. Then, to Sora’s surprise, there was a smooch, a gasp, a moan, a push, a hastiness in steps and heat flushed across Sora’s cheeks.

She hoped that they wouldn’t have it on the Piano.

There are footsteps approaching, she catches her breath as Yoongi stands by the door, looks between them and speaks.

“What are you guys doing?”

Jungkook rises to his height-slowly. He looks different with his hair dishevelled, his top button unbuttoned, his tie in his palm. He follow’s Yoongi’s gaze and  surprise ignites his eyes, a flash of embarrassment and another emotion that she can't read–it passes by quickly– before he leaves.


Irene’s palms are sweaty. Usually, she was accustomed to spending saturday evenings studying in class, alone, without either of her deskmates there, especially Taehyung.

But he is there, his head tilted in her direction. She wants to say something and normally she wouldn’t find it so difficult to speak. They are friends after all. Good friends.

With the possibility that he might have a crush on her… it was jarring to say the least but furthermore exciting.

She tucks a strand behind her ear and faces him, curling her fingers when his gaze falls on her.

“I thought you’d be here on Monday.”

He nods with a light “yeah.” Pauses to look over her shoulder. “Where is she?”

She chuckles, it was weird having another Yn, and how much mystic she held over others.

“What?” Taehyung.

“Nothing. I don’t know. Haven’t come by her the entire day. What do you think of her?”

His answer comes quick. “Nothing. For now at least. I wanted to get to know her.” he raises his eyebrows at her, leaning towards her.

“She is shy. Painfully shy, she practically run away from her roommate.”


“Lisa. She doesn’t talk much.”

“Are you two friends?”

“No, not really.”

He nods and switches the conversation. Irene blabbers about the short time he was gone, makes a joke, they laugh, asks about the campaign and their conversation is cut when Jungkook walks in minutes after Lorlei and Taehyung goes to him.

“So how did it go bud?” Taehyung claps on Jungkook’s back, stealing a glance at Lorlei. Her expression is passive and he turns away when he couldn’t pin an expression.

Jungkook shrugs Taehyung’s hand off, mutters to him he wants to study and Taehyung is journeying to his desk. He freezes.

Red hair, airey steps. Her head turns to him for a fraction of a second and she falters in her steps.

They both– simultaneously– sit down.

Sora plucks out a book–math textbook–from her bag and tunes out while Taehyung shares a glance with Irene.

Go talk to her Irene mouths.

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