Getting out!

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I woke up in the early morning felling better than I had the past few days, it also seemed like Aax and Cas were out.

They probably got used to me waking up later, it's fine though I really think I need to get out anyway.

I quickly got dressed, though I could find my cape though I have a sneaking suspicion that Cas or Aax may have it.

I walked through our house, it looked different from the past resets (that I remember). Though I don't miss the End resets home? If you can call it that??

Anyway! I need to get out!

Saying goodbye to Pickaxe, I wondered out the house the door closing behind me.

I looked around spotting a cafe?

That's new. May as well check it out..I hope it's no Quixsis.... again...

I walk in being met with Wolf.

"Rae!?" Wolf said almost falling over. "You alright? Centross said alot happened!" He said rushing forward towards me.

"I'm feeling quite a bit better today, I doubt I'd be aloud out the house otherwise.." I mumbled.

"Heh, guess your right. What happened? Centross seemed quite the bit stunned." Wolf asked.

"Ohhh, it was- nothing???" I said my voice wavering.

"Really?" He asked, giving me a look.

"I just kinda found out that, I'm developing magic. My own magic but I'm kinda scared... doesn't help that there are no answers.... like always." I said my voice wavering.

"Oh Rae... okay! Let's not focus on that! You mind helping me taste test?" Wolf said voice perking up.

"I think I'd love that." I said with a smile.

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