The Future might hurt

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It's been a while, and all I could think about was my mother's...and I don't know why.

I and the others had walked away from eachother to look around and read to try and find an answer.

I couldn't think, I never got an answer..hell I don't even know of she truly knows I'm her son and I doubt she would care ...

I leaned against the wall books coated the floor as I fell to the floor in sobs..

All I could think about was my real family!

What would they think?

I can't do this! God's Perix nearly killed me with her magic, what could I do with Luc's and now my own! I can't even control Luc's!

Why now? And where even are we!

I can't do th-

"Uxrxtixtixtjxurxr" I heard Luc say Infront of me as they floated over and hugged me.

"I can't do this, not again I promised them I wouldn't go away again! And now I'm getting powers from my mother and she might not even know I'm hers..." I sobbed as tears flooded my vision.

All Luc did was hug me tighter before saying something I couldn't understand. We sat like this for a while Luc rubbing my back.

"Thanks Luc, you've helped us so much." I said my voice wavering a bit. They nodded before disappearing again.

I sighed before pulling one of the books closer to me as stray tears fell down my face..I can do this...I hope.

Mind of a Morningstar Where stories live. Discover now