Notes of love

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I woke up to very loud purring,and being in a bed?

I tried to get up but got pawd by Ollie in the face. "Ollie not again." I said picking him up though I did get hissed at as I put him down.

I got up and looked around realising that I was in my mother's room, Centross must have brought me up.

'Meow!' Olli screamed jumping up on the bedside table, were there was a note.

"Ollie it's okay." I sighed petting him. While grabbing the note from under him.

It had my name on the front, it's probably from Cas or Aax. Luc probably brought it up for me, I opened it and read it.

"" Dearest Rae,

To catch you up, Athena and Jamie have started to remember and really wanna talk to you though they understand that they can't. We miss you, god's this reminds me of last time but I know it's for different reasons.

Hope to see you soon, there is so much more that I want to say and alot has happened but paper is only so much.

Love Cas, Aax <3 ""

I smiled down at the note, "I miss you to" I couldn't help but say knowing they couldn't hear it.

"Rae! You up?" I heard Centross scream from the stairs.

"Mhm! What's up?" I yelled back

"God's backing?? I think?" He yelled back, okay now I'm confused.

I walked down the stairs Ollie following from behind. Once I was down I was met by a confused Centross. I looked into the kitchen spotting Alereon throwing apples at a backing tray??

"Um, Luc need some help?" I asked him.

"Esryvhvyv!" They responded.

"Forgot you don't speak know what nod if yes shake your head if no." I said walking to the door way.

They nodded looking over to me.

"Alright let's try this huh." I laughed.

Hopefully this will be a nicer reset.. please I don't think I can handle another warden..

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