flying to paris.

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Pov Khaotung:

I was tired and had no more desire. I was overworked and just wanted to go home. But today, a long shift was scheduled. Neo nudged me from the side as I was making a drink for one of the customers. I looked at him. I could see pity in his eyes towards me, but he didn't need to look like that; I was fine. At least, that's what I told myself.

"You have next week off, and so do I," Neo said. I looked at him in surprise. "Why?"

"Because you could really use it right now. I've booked a flight to Paris for us. We're going away for a week."

I stared at him. "Where on earth are you getting the money for that? Are you crazy?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about that," he said, winking at me. Then he went back to work. I was just confused, but whatever. I also returned to work.


When I arrived home at 5 in the morning, I immediately lay down and fell asleep.


My weekend was boring. I slept most of the time and packed my things for Paris on Monday. At first, I wasn't really convinced about the trip, especially since Neo was paying for it, but he had begged me on the phone, so why not.


Pov. Neo:

I texted First immediately when I received the message from Khaotung.

Me: Convinced him. He'll be on the plane on Monday, I'll make sure. ;)

First: Thank youuuu, I owe you.

Me: Definitely, you do.

Oh God, Khaotung would hate me.


Three weeks ago.

Pov. First:

I had just signed the contract four minutes ago, and now the entire country knew. It had caused a stir. Messages and comments were flooding social media from people expressing their opinions and thoughts. There were both negative and positive remarks.


"He can't be serious, can he?"

"This is just for attention."

"I wish him only the best."

"He must have his reasons."

"Wow, he had a perfect life. What else does he want?"

"He should consider himself lucky to have grown up in such a family."

All these comments were passing by me.


Some understood my decision, while others did not. I had freed myself from my royal duties because I wanted to live my own life. I no longer cared about people's opinions. Instead, I focused on taking control of my own future.

Reporters were still waiting outside the house, but I had decided not to let them influence me anymore. Finding a new path was challenging, but I was determined to forge my own way. I wanted to write to Khaotung immediately after signing the contract, but I refrained because I needed to get my own life in order before reaching out to him.



I received the message from Neo and was excited but also nervous at the same time. He had told me that Khaotung hadn't been active on social media since what happened between him and me, so he wasn't aware of all the drama surrounding my departure.

I sat down on my carpet and started packing my things for the Paris vacation. I had everything prepared - hotel, excursions, and, most importantly, the goal of winning back Khaotung.


Monday - Day of the flight to Paris

Pov Khaotung:

I stood at the airport waiting for Neo. I kept looking at the clock. He didn't come. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out.

There was a message from Neo on it.

Neo: I'm flying a day later. Family issues...

I sighed.

Me: Okay, then good luck. If anything happens, just come to me, okay!

Neo: Yes, thanks.
Neo: Promise me one thing, okay?

Me: Yes.

Neo: Go there and embrace a fresh start.

I furrowed my brow. Something was going on here that I didn't know.

Me: Yes, I'll let you know when I arrive. Thank you.


Arriving on the plane, I sat in my seat and got my headphones and everything else ready. At that moment, someone sat down next to me. I straightened up to politely smile at the person. When our eyes met, my heart started pounding, and my emotions went crazy. Anger, fear, sadness, surprise, love, joy, just everything.


Apologies for the longer pause. I will now try to write in whenever I find time. I am quite busy right now. I apologize and hope you understand.

Wishing you all a lovely day. ❤️‍🩹

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