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pov Khaotung:

As I sat in the car, Neo looked at me with a suggestive smile. "What's up?" I asked with a feigned annoyed voice. "What's going on between you and the prince?" I stared at him in shock. "What prince? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, what prince? He asked for your number," he said, laughing. "You really live on a different planet, Khao." He started the engine to drive us home. 

I took out my phone and typed "Prince of Thailand " in my search bar. OMG, not me, please. Why do I always end up in these situations?

pov First:

I sat at the table with my parents. It was early in the morning. I had the hangover of death, and my father yelled at me. The day couldn't start any better. 

"Are you serious? Another scandal, I can't take it anymore, First. Get yourself together." I looked at him bored. It's always the same. I make one wrong move, and the media turns it into stories that generate clicks. My father shoved his phone in my face. I could see myself on it, being dragged out of the bar restroom by Mark because I couldn't walk straight anymore. The headline read, "Is he really the future for our country!" I couldn't help but laugh internally. This picture looks really funny. As a reminder, I made a mental note to send it to our group of friends. "Are you even listening to me, First?" I didn't answer; I would only say something wrong. My father threw his hands up in despair and left. My mother looked at me with a reproachful look and followed my father. It usually ends like this.

Did anyone ever ask me if I actually want to become a king later? NO. Because everyone expects me to become one. 

Unknown number. I looked at the number and smiled. I saved it as "handsome". I had been thinking about him the whole time. I don't know why, but somehow I had a good feeling about him. I had considered texting him a few times, but then decided against it. Instead, I really wanted to see him again tonight. I had nothing to do today because it was my day off. I knew the others were all busy. Oh, the only one who might have time is Jan.

Me: Are you coming to the bar again tonight?

Jan: I'll be there anyway, I have a performance.

Me: Great, see you later then.

Jan: Until then.

I could already imagine her writing to me and furrowing her brow. Since I have to spend my time somehow until tonight, I'm going to the gym.

As I enter the gym, I try to maintain my royal elegance. I walk through the door with an upright posture and a confident stride. My tailored workout outfit accentuates my muscular physique, leaving no doubt about my royal status. The other gym-goers cast curious glances at me, and I can feel their admiration.I begin my training session with a brief warm-up routine. I select the best equipment and showcase impressive physical performance. My movements are precise and powerful as I train my muscles and improve my endurance.During the workout, I remain focused and concentrated. I don't let the curious gazes of others distract me, and I work hard to achieve my fitness goals. My royal discipline and determination are evident as I move from one exercise to the next.After the workout, I leave the gym with a satisfied smile on my face. My time at the gym has not only helped improve my physical fitness but also allowed me to momentarily forget about my duties.

It's evening, and I'm sitting in the club next to Jan. The bartender isn't here yet, so there's chaos. Every time someone walks into the club, I look to see if it's him. "What's wrong?" "What do you mean? Everything's fine." "You're acting strange. 1. You don't usually like going to the club unless we ask, 2. You're beaming the whole time, 3. You only asked me about going out, and 4. You keep looking around as if you're waiting for someone." She looked at me expectantly. At that moment, the club manager came and called Jan over to start. Before she left, she called out to me, "The matter isn't settled yet." Laughing, I watched as she went on stage. She started singing, and at that moment, I tuned out because he walked in. I watched him the whole time as he mixed drinks.

It's fascinating how he skillfully juggles the different bottles and glasses in his hands. His movements are fluid and precise as he selects the ingredients for the cocktails and blends them together in a harmonious dance. His hands are quick and dexterous as he opens the bottles and pours the clear, effervescent gin into the glass. He squeezes the limes with a practiced hand motion, extracting the juice into the shaker. I wonder what else he can do with those hands. Ahem, wrong direction of thinking, I admonish myself.

The ice cubes clink softly as he adds them and seals the shaker with an elegant flourish. With a confident smile, he reaches for the bottle of sweet, amber-colored whiskey and slowly lets it glide over the ice in the glass. The liquid flows smoothly and evenly as he stirs it with a long spoon. Khaotung reaches for a bottle of vibrant red liqueur and lets it glide over the glass in an elegant arc. The liquid flows slowly, forming a beautiful layer on the surface of the cocktail. With a final touch, he garnishes the drink with a fresh lemon slice and a mint leaf.I watch captivated as the bartender places the glass on the counter and presents it with a smile. The colors and flavors of the cocktail are perfectly balanced.

If he is generally so skilled with his hands, then I would like to know how he is with other things. I feel myself getting hot and my heart beating faster. The air is stuffy and heavy, I can practically feel it draining my energy. My body longs for fresh air, for a moment of peace and relaxation. I make my way through the dancing bodies, moving to the rhythm of the music. The bright lights blind me as I slowly make my way towards the club's door. The noise fades as I distance myself from the dance floor. Finally, I reach the door and open it with a relieved sigh. The cool night air envelops me like a refreshing embrace. I take a deep breath and feel my lungs fill with fresh oxygen. The noise of the club is drowned out by the silence of the night.

I take a few steps beside the club and lean against the wall in the alley. My heartbeat slowly calms down as I gaze up at the clear night sky. The stars twinkle above me, and I feel at one with the tranquility and beauty of the night. I linger there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence and fresh air, until someone emerges from the neighboring door of the club and leans against the wall as well. I look over and spot Khaotung. He lights a cigarette and starts smoking. I clear my throat, and he notices me. He looks over and simply nods. "Hey," I say. "Hey." "I'm sorry for being so drunk last night and taking it out on you." "It's okay. Do you want one too?" He offers me the cigarette, and I hesitate. "I haven't smoked in a long time," I tell him. "Okay," he says, taking it back. I walk towards him. He looks at me confused, and I say, "Let me take a drag, but differently, okay?"

He nods, and in that moment, I kiss him. At first, he seems puzzled, but then he kisses me back. I push my tongue against his lips to gain entry, and he allows me. I felt the taste of the cigarette spreading in my mouth. It wasn't just the taste, but also a sweet and sour flavor. I liked this combination. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. We kiss for a while until we break apart. He still looks slightly bewildered. 

I lean back against the wall next to him, and we gaze up at the sky together, looking at the stars. "I would like to get to know you," I say.


next part will coming soon.

hope you al liked that part.

Thanks for reading.

I couldn't help but laugh when Force posted the picture of himself in the series "Only Friends" on his Insta story and wrote "good boy" underneath. In that moment, I was like, exactly, that's when the character is at his most obedient. ;)

Firstkhaotung - Truth or DareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora