the letter.

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Pov. First:

As I searched for my seat, fear gripped me. How would he react? I didn't think he wanted to talk to me, so I had written a letter. I hoped he would at least give that a chance. I was nervous, so nervous.

Pov. Khaotung:

Arriving on the plane, I sat in my seat and got my headphones and everything else ready. At that moment, someone sat down next to me. I straightened up to politely smile at the person. When our eyes met, my heart started pounding, and my emotions went crazy. Anger, fear, sadness, surprise, love, joy, just everything.

What the hell was he doing here? It took me a few seconds of us staring at each other to realize what was going on. Wow, thanks, Neo. You'll hear about this later. I'll never make this trip alone with First again. Nevertheless, I remained seated; I didn't know what else to do. When he broke eye contact, he sat down and began to respond. But before he could say anything, I demonstratively put my headphones in my ear.

I didn't know what to do, so I tried to sleep. When someone nudged me, I knew it could only be First; I looked at him. He handed me a letter without saying anything. I placed it on the tray in front of me and closed my eyes again.


I woke up some time later and checked the time; I had slept for a good hour.
I glanced over at First. He was asleep, and I studied him closely. I observed First as he slept, his features softened by the gentle rhythm of his breathing. The dim cabin lights cast a faint glow on his face, highlighting the curve of his cheekbones and the peaceful expression that adorned his features. His chest rose and fell rhythmically, a steady reminder of the life pulsing within him.

Despite the tension that filled the air, there was a moment of tranquility in watching him rest. His hair fell in disarray across his forehead, and his eyelashes cast delicate shadows against his cheeks. In that brief moment, it was easy to forget the chaos that surrounded us and simply appreciate the quiet beauty of a peaceful slumber.

I looked at the letter again and picked it up.

Dear Khaotung,

I am infinitely sorry for not telling you the truth sooner. There is so much I need to explain to you, and I hope you can forgive me.

The first time I met you, I knew immediately that you were special. Your grace, your kindness, your laughter - all of it captured my heart in an instant. But what you didn't know is that my life from the very beginning wasn't what it seemed to be.

My "marriage" to the other woman was a farce, an arranged affair of which I knew nothing. I was pushed into a role that wasn't mine, and I felt trapped in a web of lies and intrigue.

I have signed a contract that releases me from my royal duties, officially dethroning me as a prince. Not because I am not proud to be a prince, but because my love for you is stronger than any royal obligation.

Khaotung, you mean everything to me. I love you more than words could ever express. And I swear that I will do everything to make you happy, to be by your side, forever.

Please understand that everything I have done has been out of love. I hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to share my life with you. Please give this journey a chance and let us get to know each other better.

With all my love,


The words on the letter blurred as tears welled up in my eyes. My mind raced, trying to process everything I had just read. How could this be true? How could he leave his royal claims for me?

As I looked at First, still peacefully asleep beside me, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Anger, confusion, hurt, but also hope. Could I trust his words? Was this letter genuine or just a deception?

I glanced through the dimly lit cabin, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. It was as if the whole world had disappeared, leaving only First and me suspended in this moment of uncertainty.

With a trembling breath, I reached for First's hand, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. Despite everything, I couldn't deny the connection between us, the undeniable attraction that had brought us together from the beginning.

With closed eyes, I silently made a promise to myself. I would listen to him, give him the chance to explain himself. And then, and only then, would I decide what to do next.

I opened my eyes, carefully folded the letter, and tucked it into the pocket of my seat. There would be time for answers later. Now, I would focus on the upcoming journey, on the search for the truth hidden beneath the tangled web of lies and secrets.

As the plane continued its steady course through the night sky, I leaned back in my seat, letting the rhythmic hum of the engines lull me into a restless sleep. Hand in hand, we slept.


It was time to give you a new chapter again.
I'm sorry you always have to wait so long.
I'll do my best. ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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