the past

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2 years ago

Pov. Khaotung:

It was my first day at the club as a bartender, and I was so glad that Neo convinced me to work here with him. We were trained in everything. The weeks passed, and slowly I learned to handle the wealthy clientele. Occasionally, there was a man who caught my eye, and he frequented the bar often. He was tall and had a great sense of style, and his clothes accentuated his body well. He had a very defined physique. When he approached, I got a bit nervous, but by now, I could handle it because I was often flirted with. However, I never found anyone I liked.

"Hey, I'd like a whisky," he said. I smiled and nodded. When I handed him his glass, he brushed his hand against mine. "Thank you, Khaotung!" I wondered how he knew my name. I could kick myself, what an idiot I am; it's on my name tag. "Always happy to,..." I paused, and he said, "I'm Tao, my name is Tao."

And so it all began. We flirted, met outside the bar, and started dating. Yes, at that time, I was still naive. I thought it was something real. We're together, I thought. This went on for a year. We even acted like a couple, so I didn't think I was wrong. We even told each other that we loved each other. Until one day, I caught him with someone else.

I was on the phone outside the bar, talking to Tao. "Babe, when are you coming home to me? I miss you!" I had to smile. His way of speaking and his love for me. "I'm still at the bar and probably won't be back until tomorrow morning because I might have to close the club." "Okay. See you tomorrow." "Until then, love you." "Love you too," and we hung up. I was so happy. When I went back into the bar, I quickly stood behind the bar counter and made drinks. The evening dragged on in a certain way. "Hey," someone came to the bar to order a drink. The guy was slim and had brown hair that shimmered in the club's light. "Hey, what can I get you?" I asked with a smile. He ordered something, and I prepared it. We started chatting after a while. I looked at my phone again after a long time, and there was a message from Tao on my screen: Love you. I smiled. "Why are you smiling like that?" I replied that it was my boyfriend, and he asked me his name. "His name is Tao." "Uh, okay. I also know a Tao, but he could never make anyone smile. He's an asshole, to put it bluntly. He's cheated on a lot of people in relationships. I used to be friends with him. The emphasis is on 'used to.'" Over time, we talked more and more about relationships, and the two Taos became more and more alike. And then I showed him a picture, and we realized we were talking about the same guy. My breath caught. I couldn't believe it.


My shift was over. We had finished earlier than expected. I had already arrived at his door and opened it with the key. "Babe, we finished early..." I couldn't say more. I saw two naked people on the sofa. And one of those people I knew well, or at least I thought I did until that moment. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I ran out of the door as fast as I had ever run before. I stormed out of the door, tears streaming down my cheeks, and my heart seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces. The images of what I had just seen burned into my memory. It felt like someone had pulled the ground from beneath me, and I didn't know how to deal with this shocking revelation.

The street in front of the house seemed endless, but I kept running, not really knowing where to go. I just wanted to get away, away from this painful sight, away from the thoughts racing through my head. Questions swirled together: How could this happen? Why me of all people? And most importantly, how could I have been so blind?

I eventually found myself in a nearby park, where I sat down on a bench and tried to sort out my thoughts. My heart ached with disappointment and anger, and I felt betrayed and hurt. I had invested so much time and energy into this relationship, and now it seemed like it had all been in vain.


Weeks went by, but the pain I felt didn't fade. Each day, it became harder to bear, and I couldn't stop thinking about how my partner had behaved. The worst part was that he didn't even bother to reach out to me, let alone fight for me.

I felt abandoned and deserted. The days turned into an endless cycle of gloom and self-doubt. Hadn't I given enough to this relationship? Wasn't I worth him fighting for? These questions tormented me day and night.

I decided to write him a letter to express my thoughts and feelings. I sat down at my desk and began to write. In the letter, I explained how much his silence had hurt me and that I expected an explanation and an apology.

Days passed, and I waited for a response, but nothing came. My heart grew heavier, and I felt even more hurt. The fact that he didn't even make the effort to reply to my letter felt like another blow to the face.

I started confiding in friends and family to seek support. They encouraged me to focus on my own needs and not to lose myself further in this pain. I realized that I shouldn't give up on myself just because someone I had loved had let me down.

Slowly but surely, I began to rediscover my own interests and hobbies. I worked on rebuilding my self-esteem and understanding that I didn't have to depend on the recognition or love of another person.


And from that moment on, I started to distance myself from people who wanted to be in a relationship with me; for me, it was only one-night stands. Until I met him. First, the Prince of Thailand. I had no interest, not even the desire for casual sex anymore. And that confused me, and I tried to resist it. I didn't want to feel the pain again.


Sorry, for the Late Update.

Hope you all have a nice day. 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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