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pov Khaotung:

I'm lying in my bed, and it's a good morning. I can sleep in today and don't have to be at work. I glance at my phone, and there's an unknown number that messaged me.

Unknown: Do you have time this afternoon?

Unknown: A date, perhaps?

Unknown: Oh, by the way, this is First.

I save the number. The unknown number becomes "First."

Me: Oh, the prince of Thailand.

Me: Yes, I have time, but I'm not sure about you yet.

First: Come on, please.

First: I'll even pick you up.

I roll my eyes with a smile.

Me: Alright, I'll be ready in an hour.

Me: But you're not picking me up. I'll go alone. Send me the address, and we'll meet there.

I stand in front of my closet, staring at the clothes as if they could provide the answers to all my uncertainties. I eventually decide on a shirt that looks casual but still a bit stylish, paired with my best jeans. I hope this will make a good impression - not too fancy, but not too casual either.I glance at the mirror and start my morning facial routine. I don't want to look like I've spent hours in front of the mirror, but a bit of grooming won't hurt. A subtle cologne and a quick check on my hair - hopefully, I'm ready for this meeting.A glance at the clock reminds me it's time to go. I grab my wallet and my phone, double-check if I have everything, and then leave my room with a pounding heart. Walking down the stairs feels like stepping onto a stage - the stage of my own emotions.I stop briefly in front of the café where I arranged to meet First. I'm not sure if this was such a good idea. I open the door and step inside. When our eyes meet, it's as if the world pauses for a moment. I can't help but look him up and down, and I give a quick glance to my own clothing - hopefully, I made the right choice."Hey," I say and sit down next to him.He smiles playfully. "Hi! You look amazing."

"I know," I looked around; we were the only ones in this small café, and it was a bit secluded. "Why are we alone here?" I asked. "Um... it's a bit awkward, but it's because I'm the prince." "Ah, I see."We ordered our drinks and continued our conversation. The tension slowly started to ease as we chatted about various topics. The atmosphere in the café was cozy and relaxed, making it easier to converse."So, how did you find this place?" I asked curiously. He chuckled softly. "Well, I did a little research and wanted a place that's a bit off the beaten path to avoid drawing too much attention."I nodded, understanding his decision. It's certainly not easy when you're in the public eye. "What's it like being a prince?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want to be too intrusive, but it's definitely a question that interests me.He leaned back, considering for a moment. "It has its highs and lows, like everything in life, I suppose. There are responsibilities and expectations that need to be met, but there are also moments when I have the opportunity to make a positive impact."The openness of his response pleasantly surprised me. It seemed like he was genuinely interested in giving me a glimpse into his life. "And you?" he asked, shifting the focus to me. "What do you do?"I told him about my work, hobbies, and some of my passions. The conversation flowed, and a pleasant connection formed between us. As we talked, I noticed time flying by. It felt like we were in our own little world, far away from the expectations and pressures of the outside.

Suddenly, a waiter approached our table and informed us that the café would be closing soon. We exchanged surprised looks, realizing how time had slipped away unnoticed."I really enjoyed the time," I confessed, a small smile on my lips."I did too," he agreed and paid the bill. We argued about who should pay, but in the end, it didn't really matter.

We left the café and stood outside on the sidewalk. The streets were illuminated, and the night was still young."Can I see you again?" he asked nonchalantly. A smile spread across my face. "Maybe."

pov First:

It was as if the butterflies in my stomach had given me wings. Every gaze Khaotung and I had exchanged, every touch of my hand on his skin - all of it felt like magic. It was rare for me to feel so free and unburdened, away from my royal duties.As I hurried into the kitchen, I suddenly heard my father's voice. His stern tone made me pause in my euphoric state. I reminded myself that I wasn't just an ordinary individual, but also a prince and heir to the throne. Reality abruptly caught up with me, and I forced myself to conceal my emotions.I cautiously entered the kitchen, attempting to neutralize my expression. My father, the King, sat at the table, flipping through documents. His gaze lifted briefly, and I offered a slight bow to show my respect."Good morning, Father," I said calmly."Good morning, my son," he replied with a curt nod. His facial expression gave nothing away, and I couldn't gauge whether he suspected anything about my encounter with Khaotung. My father was an experienced monarch accustomed to controlling his emotions."How did you sleep?" he asked, pushing the documents aside and studying me more intently."Well, Father, thank you," I replied, trying to keep my tone even.He nodded again and then returned his gaze to the documents. "There are some important matters we need to discuss," he said seriously.I swallowed hard and took a seat on the chair across from him. The ease and joy of the morning had faded, and the weight of my royal responsibility bore down on me. It was clear that I needed to set aside the connection with Khaotung for the time being to attend to my duties and responsibilities.As my father began discussing the current affairs of the realm, I could scarcely keep my thoughts on the conversation.

After we were finished, I asked my father if I could go to the vacation house by the beach for the weekend to take a break. He immediately said yes, and so I was able to implement my plan.

pov Khaotung:

I am at home, watching Netflix on the couch, engrossed in my favorite series. The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of the TV screen, creating a cozy atmosphere. I'm immersed in the storyline, relishing in this moment of relaxation.Suddenly, I hear a faint, rhythmic knocking on my door. It interrupts the peaceful ambiance, and I look towards the entrance with a puzzled expression. I set down the remote and get up to walk towards the door, curiosity mixing with a hint of caution. As I reach for the doorknob, I wonder who could be there, disrupting the tranquility of my Netflix marathon session.

I opened the door and First is standing in front of my door with a hoodie and sunglasses. "What are you doing here? How do you even know my address?" He looks at me amused. "Would it be a problem to let me in," he asks with a smirk. I let him in, and as I close the door, I see the car with two bodyguards inside parked in front of my house. Oh my god, not suspicious at all. "Okay, what's going on?" "I have next weekend off, and I wanted to ask if you're available?" "Yes, why," I ask skeptically. "Let's spend a weekend together in a vacation house," he suggests. I look at him puzzled, and then he quickly adds, "My friends are coming too." "I'm not sure, First. You guys aren't like me, if you know what I mean. And we don't even know each other well." He looks at me pleadingly. "Please. Please. Please. You can bring friends too." "I'll think about it," I said. "Okay, but really consider it." I nodded and sent him out of my apartment, and he smiled happily as he said goodbye. I couldn't help but smile too. What am I doing? We don't know each other, and I don't usually trust people like him. But what do I have to lose? So, I texted the others and asked if they want to come along.


Hey, sorry I haven't written for a long time. is stressful right now. I somehow can't find a free minute. but tomorrow i have the whole day off and since we are coming, here is a new part and at earthmix

I hope you liked the part. see you in the morning. Thanks for reading.💕💕💕

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