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I drove him home. There was just silence between us. When we arrived at his apartment, we sat down on his couch, and he started to talk. He began from the beginning.

I could feel the emotions in his voice as he continued, „Some time passed, and I still felt awful. The days turned into an endless spiral of darkness and self-doubt. Hadn't I invested enough in this relationship? Wasn't I worth him fighting for? These questions tormented me day and night."

„I decided to write him a letter to express my thoughts and feelings. I sat down at my desk and began to write. In the letter, I explained how much his silence had hurt me and that I expected an explanation and an apology."

„Days went by, and I waited for a response, but nothing came. My heart grew heavier, and I felt even more hurt. The fact that he didn't even make the effort to reply to my letter felt like another blow to the face." As he talked about it, anger welled up in me. How could someone hurt Khaotung like that?

„I started confiding in friends and family to seek support. They encouraged me to focus on my own needs and not get lost in this pain any longer. I realized I shouldn't give up on myself just because someone I loved had let me down."

Khaotung took a brief pause as he recalled that difficult time. He hesitated; I could feel how hard it was for him to say the next sentences. „And from that moment on, I began to distance myself from people who wanted a relationship with me; for me, it was just one-night stands. Until I met you, and you kissed me so casually. I had no interest anymore, not even a desire for casual sex. And that confused me, and I tried to fight it. I didn't want to feel the pain again. I'm afraid that you'll hurt me the same way." I took his hands in mine. 'Khaotung, please look at me.' He looked up, and I wiped away his tears with my hand.

I smiled gently and said softly, „Khaotung, I understand that you're afraid of getting hurt. Each of us has our own scars and wounds. But you need to know that I have no intention of hurting you. What's between us is different. It's something special, something we can build together without fearing it will fall apart."

Khaotung nodded again, and in his eyes, I could see a glimmer of hope. We both knew it wouldn't be easy, but we were ready to walk this path together and conquer the demons of the past. I pulled him onto my lap and looked into his eyes. „May I?" I asked. He nodded, and I began to kiss him. Our kisses became more intense. He ran his hand through my hair and bite careful on my lips.
This sensation made me sigh with pleasure.


It's been two weeks since I've been together with Khaotung. A lot has been clarified between us. The problem is that we can only meet in secret because I'm the prince. My father has given me so many tasks in the past few days, and by now, I think he has some suspicion because Khaotung often comes by, and I talk about him a lot. But my father has never met him personally. It's always been brief, just a hello and goodbye. We haven't seen each other for two days now, and I miss him so much. Both of us have a lot to do; I'm usually out all day with meetings with my father, and he has night shifts at the club.

I found a small window of time tonight when I could secretly meet Khaotung. I couldn't wait to see him again and tell him how much I missed him. Our shared secret made our love exciting and forbidden, but I hoped that one day we could be free without having to hide. As I made my way to our meeting point, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was as if I were leading a double life that no one but the two of us knew about. I had to ensure that no one became suspicious, and that required careful planning and caution.

Firstkhaotung - Truth or DareOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant