Young Lord Timothy

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Sandra woke me up at five in the morning on Wednesday for me to have time to get ready. I swear the amount of makeup they put on me was ludicrous for a ten year old girl to wear. My face was completely caked in makeup I had refused to have any pink makeup applied to my face.

My maids decided to leave my hair down that day, not because they thought the natural waves in my hair pretty but it was because we were running out of time. Sandra rushed me through the halls of Raven parents' Manor, who I haven't come across yet in my time here. When she got me outside the house I almost ran into someone. It was a tall man with long raven black hair and a sharp jaw line with equally sharp cheekbones just like Raven had or she will have once she grows up. His skin was more tanned than Raven and he had rounded shoulders. Raven must have gotten her square shoulders from her mother then. He looked me up and down with a disapproving glare because this man was Marquess Eric Darksheild, Raven's father. "Good Morning Father" I greeted him with a small curtsie while avoiding meeting his eyes. He narrowed his eyes at me, he could tell that something wasn't right about me. My heart started to falter as I thought about the possible things he could have noticed. "My goodness why are you dressed like you're going to a funeral?!" Marquess Eric exclaimed while glaring at Sandra for an explanation. Sandra struggled to come up with any other reason than "because the young lady wanted to".
My father glared at me for an answer, "I like the colour black more than pink and I believe that the colour black suits my skin tone better than pink ever did!" I told the Marquess while staring at my feet to avoid looking into his furious eyes at that moment.

The Marquess seemed a bit lost for words at that moment, probably because he was trying to consider how much he should yell at me for dressing in dark colours against his and Raven's mother's instruction. After a minute of him taking a few deep breaths and clenching the bridge of his nose in annoyance he finally decided on how to reprimand me. "Go to your room!" He ordered swiftly while turning his back to me and walked away. "But I have a meeting with someone!" I called after him in a panic. He turned around in disbelief "Who could you possibly be meeting that is so important you would defie your father's orders?" He interagated me while stomping over to Sandra and I. "My fiancé!" I told him plainly. "Well just send someone to say you won't be able to make it" He told me angrily. "I believe he wants to end the engagement!" I lied. Lord Timothy may or may not have loved Lady Raven during this period of their life but his letter made it seem like he wanted to fight for the survival of their relationship so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

I messed up by telling my father that Lord Timothy wanted to break off the engagement. Because it was now him, Sandra and I all sitting in the carriage on the way to the Bainne's Estate. He was coming because he was outraged for me, no he was coming because he felt offended that the son of an Earl would dare try to break off an engagement with a Marquess's daughter, especially when said son would be the one to inherit the title and land of the Marquess and Earl in time since women couldn't inherit property in this world. After I've saved myself from being beheaded I should think of starting a women's rights movement. I did try telling him he didn't have to come and that I could handle the situation myself but he didn't trust me. This was going to be one very uncomfortable carriage ride.

I was sitting in a pure white sitting room with my father sitting in an armchair by the fire with Earl Thomas Bainne, they would be acting as shaperones today. They didn't even bother pretend to read a book, they just stared at us, fully listening to me and Timothy's conversation. Timothy had short blonde hair and brown eyes and a square jaw. He was a bit taller than me at this stage. He had broad shoulders. Timothy waited for me to speak, to explain myself. Well he would have to wait just a bit longer, I had to incorporate my lie as much as I could into the conversation so that I wouldn't get murdered by Raven's father for lying to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he did do something like that. "It is as clear as day that since the start of this engagement you have not been happy about it!" I stated calmly. Timothy tried to denie this. "No I've been happy about being engaged to you" He lied quickly. To our fathers sitting in the corner they believed what he said more than me. "No you have not!" I accused angrily "you barely look at me and in the four years we have been engaged you have barely said more than two sentences to me at a time!". He tried to denie this but I interrupted him. "You barely know me, I know so many things about you but you barely know anything about me!" I said while holding back fake tears. If I was going to make Marquess Eric believed what his daughter has been saying then I needed to show the appropriate amount of emotion in this situation without appearing too dramatic. "I do know things about you!" He lied once again. "O really?" I said unconvinced "then what's my favourite colour?" I asked him knowing he would fail either way, in the book Raven's favourite colour was pink which was evident from the colour she was associated with the most. However if he said pink I was going to say black but I was curious to know if he actually knew her favourite colour in the first place. "Um..."He faltered as his mind created a blank space, he didn't know her favourite colour. "G-green!" He proclaimed, he was so proud of himself for giving an answer he thought was right. I shook my head sadly and let a single tear run down my cheek. "That's your favourite colour" I sniffed sadly while taking the handkerchief I had in my sleeve and dabbing my face. Marquess Eric and Earl Thomas were horrified that Timothy didn't even know Raven's favourite colour and was foolish enough to mistake his favourite colour for her favourite colour. Timothy was embarrassed by his monetary lapse in judgment. Meanwhile I was displaying my newly found acting skills, I looked like I was absolutely distraught from my fiancé not even knowing surface level information about me.

The next few hours we were in the Bainne's Manor were the most uncomfortable hours I've experienced in this world yet and I've only been here a week! Marquess Eric and Earl Thomas discussed what they were going to do about the situation. Neither of them had been aware of how bad the situation had become. They knew that Timothy didn't like Raven very much but they hadn't noticed that he barely spoke to her and didn't even know the most simplest bits of information about her. It seemed like my engagement to Timothy would go ahead, I was horrified to know that our fathers thought the best course of action for us was to force us to spend even more time together. Timothy was sulking in the corner after his father took him outside for a few minutes to scold him for his behaviour towards me for the last four years. My father didn't really know what to do with a crying daughter so he just patted me on the head and keep saying "there,there" over and over again. Honestly if I didn't have to keep up the distressed child act I would had punched him. Like sir your child is upset at least say something better than "there there".

I found out when I got home that Timothy and I had to see each other on Saturday every single week for at least an hour so we could get to know each other better. That seemed like a very good way to build resentment. It seemed like I would have to find another way to break off this engagement before the heroine comes into the picture but I had other more pressing matters to occupy myself with. I had private lessons to study for and I had a tea party to plan. I was a very busy lady indeed.

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