When you spend the night

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AN: Hey, let's just say that, for the sake of simplicity, you're staying at their dorm because of lack of heating in Ramshackle. It's cold as hell there :')

If it were any other situation, Riddle would have said "absolutely not" and not allowed you to stay in the dorm. You weren't a member of Heartslabyul, after all.
But he'd been in Ramshackle, it was absolutely frigid there. There was no way he was going to let you freeze to your bones in there... Fine. This one, singular time he'd make an exception.
And, so as not to inconvenience anyone with your presence... you're staying in his room. Initially, to maintain formalities, you sleep on a mattress on the floor. However... he can't stay away from you for that long.
"There's... extra space in my bed if you want to join me...?"

The minute he found out your heating was shot, he invited you over. Don't worry about Riddle, he'll handle it. You'll be staying in his room, but that won't be an issue, will it?
You're served dinner personally by him. He leaves the room when you change into your pj's, he isn't some kind of pervert. He gently yet firmly reminds you to brush your teeth before bed because you nearly forgot in the rush of things.
Is this what married life is like? Because with Trey it honestly doesn't seem so bad...
"Goodnight, my love. I'll see you in the morning."

Ugh, yeah no. He's been in Ramshackle in winter, it's actual hell. Do you want to crash on one of the couches in Heartslabyul? The mirror keeps the dorm environment warm year-round, and all the couches are super comfy.
He gets your pillows and blankets all put together and double-checks to make sure you don't need anything before bed. If you need anything at all during the night, don't be afraid to wake him up. Worst case scenario he can just conjure a double and go back to bed.
"Sure you don't need anything? Alright, gn~!"

The minute it hits freezing in Ramshackle, he whines and moans about how this is a completely unliveable condition and how he'd be a terrible boyfriend if he allowed you to stay here overnight. You ask about Riddle. Surely he would never allow an outsider to stay in the dorms overnight, let alone for an entire season. Don't worry, he says, he'll handle it.
"Handling it" apparently translated to never telling Riddle, because Ace then spends the next month smuggling you in and out of his room at least once a day.
But the cuddles that ensue are almost always worth it...
"Look, it's easier to sneak around than have to deal with having that collar thing on again... Don't give me that look, you weren't the one who had to wear it!!"

Are you cold? Yeah, it's winter. Oh, your dorm doesn't have heat? He's got extra blankets you can borrow. You wanna go somewhere warmer overnight? Sure, what did you have in- oh, you mean his dorm?
To be fair, he's down with the idea. He's just very... very dumb.
He also smuggles you into the dorm, although he plans on telling Riddle eventually... Again. The cuddles and snuggles make the sneaking around worth it.
"I'm sorry, I'll tell him in the morning...!"

Being warm is objectively better than being cold. Oh, you disagree? Then spend a night in the constantly warm Savanaclaw dorm and try to tell him that.
That was how he got you to sleep over. He would never say that he's actually just worried about you. What if you get sick or something from sleeping in that cold old house? That would be... less than desirable.
So you spend the night in his room. In his bed. Cuddled up to him. He tries to say it's just to save room, but you can hear him begin to purr when you snuggle close to his heart. It resonates deep in his chest and is absolutely music to your ears. You giggle about it, telling him that it's adorable. He scoffs, telling you that no, he doesn't purr. He's a king of the savanna, not a house cat.
"It's just... a noise that happens sometimes. It's not a damn purr."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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