His phobia

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Glossophobia: Fear of Public Speaking
You didn't believe that this was your boyfriend. He had to give a presentation for his Magical History course but he was instead putting it off and pacing back and forth. You could hear his breath rattling in his chest.
You ask him if he's doing okay. He shakes his head. You point out that he makes dorm addresses all the time.
"Yes, but that's different. 1. That's just my dorm... 2. I feel sick every time..."
You give him a little hug, petting his hair and telling him he'll do great.
"Thank you, my rose..."

Thantanophobia: Fear of death
You were around when he got the news. One of his grandparents had passed away. You told him you were there for him. He told you he'd be fine, they had been sick for a while and this was a long time coming.
"It was a question of when, not if."
But then that night you noticed he was struggling to sleep. He was pacing, tapping his foot, finding every excuse not to sleep. You asked him what was on his mind. He denied it, telling you he was fine.
No, he was not. You sat him down, told him just how worried you were...
"... Life is so fragile... I just... don't want mine... or yours... or anyone to end yet... and I know it will, sometimes sooner than I think, and that's terrifying to me..."

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights
You two had been invited to a theme park as a part of a sponsorship. You two would go around for free, have a nice day, go on lots of rides and eat lots of yummy foods, and he would shout the park out to his following.
"Whaddya wanna ride first?"
You pointed to the drop tower, excitedly stating that. At first he was just as excited as you were, but then he saw just how high it went and just how fast the drop was.
But you wanted to go on... He had to be brave for you.
It wasn't worth it.
It wasn't even the drop that made him cry, it was slowly creeping up towards the top. There was no way this could end well- no way off. Getting off, he nearly vomited. You rubbed his back, telling him that it was okay.
"Never again. Not worth it. Nope nope nope nope so much nope."

Claustrophobia: The fear of enclosed spaces
You two were sent to retrieve something for Sam from a far away closet. He was rambling the entire way there, frustrated about a teacher, excited about a basketball game, and a little confused as to why you and he were sent to this closet specifically. This scenario made no sense.
You entered the closet first, trying to see if the closet even had what you two were looking for. It did, but it was too high up for you to reach. You called for Ace's help and he rolled his eyes and moved from the door. Once he entered the closet, however, the door shut behind him.
The minute the space went dark, Ace began to hyperventilate. You put a hand on his, but he began to bang on the locked door, screaming for someone, anyone to let him out. You sat him down, did some deep breathing with him.
"I'm okay... I-I'm... I'm okay..."

Aerophobia: Fear of flying
You got so excited when Mr. Vargas said you'd be using brooms today! You looked over to Deuce, expecting to see him just as excited. However, his face had gone pale and his jaw was chattering. You held his hand.
He raised his nonoccupied hand.
"Excuse me, Mr. Vargas, can I opt out of today's lesson?"

Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
He was screaming and crying, begging for you or Jamil to kill the wretched beast. He was acting like he'd looked into the eyes of certain death and it had waved at him.
Jamil sighed and peacefully disposed of the poor little spider, his own skin crawling. Not only did the prince want him dead, but also he'd likely been deafened.
You held Kalim's hands, trying to soothe him from his panic.
"Is the horrid creature dead?!"

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