When he gets sick

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You were certain there was some kind of rule against the housewarden neglecting his health like Riddle had been. He was a wreck, you noticed. The small signs jumped out at you like springs. His grey eyes had become lifeless and dull, his hair had become oily and unkempt, his skin lacked the glow of a queen, and he seemed more sickly than normal.
You confronted him with this information, cornering him in his room late at night. He attempted to cast his signature spell on you in a fit of panic and rage, but he was cut off by a coughing fit that must have hurt his ribs.
You cupped his cheek. It was burning to the touch, but he was still shivering beneath you. He gasped for air, trying to ceasse his coughing fit. You could hear him quietly crying for his mother. You shushed him, gently, and got him into his bed, putting away the work he had been doing before.
"I don't need your help..."

It was just allergies, he told you. Just a bit of congestion and some drowsiness. He'd be better with a good nights sleep. Unfortunately, his duties as vice-housewarden got in the way of that plan. You stopped by his room that night with a piping hot bowl of soup, and he was slouched over some form of paperwork, not resting like even he knew he should have been.
You cleared your throat. He turned around at that, nearly falling off of his chair. He tried to explain it away. It was just a quick thing that Riddle needed him to get done, but you refused to take the excuse. He was unwell. He needed sleep. He tried to swat you away, but you stayed resilient. You were getting him in his bed with your bowl of soup or die trying. 
Finally, you two found yourselves in a situation that was comfortable enough. He was in bed, the lights dimmed and work forgotten, slowly sipping the soup you had brought him. You were laying ontop of him, arms snaked around his body to keep him pinned to the mattress.
"It's wonderful to know that you care."

He didn't tell you, you found out from his Magicam story. Lots of pictures of tissues and pillows and blankets, but far fewer selfies than you were used to. You were incredibly worried, until you ran into Cater himself. Although he seemed... different. He was tired, spacy, not quite there. He wouldn't respond to you when you waved your hand in front of his face. Then you noticed the heart on his cheek, right before he disapeared as the spell conjuring him ended.
You quickly rushed to his room, ignoring anyone in your way. This was really weird for Cater. Where was he. Why wasn't he answering your calls. Why was he sending out his clones instead of just going himself.
You banged on his door, and it swung open on the second or third knock. There was your Cay-Cay, sweaty and shaking, huddled in a pile of blankets. He sniffled, smiling weakly at you.
"I wouldn't come any closer... I'm sick owo"

You two were outside, tossing around a disk, playing a harmless game of Spelldrive when he suddenly began to sway on his feet. You dove to catch him before he could fall over and hit his head on something. His skin was coated in a thin sheet of sweat, but beneath that he was burning hot. He was shivering and clammy, feably trying to push you off of him.
He wheezed, insisting that he was fine, but you knew that wasn't the case. You said something snarky, brushing his insistances off, and helping him up and getting him inside. He needed the warmth.
He curled up in front of the fire. You sighed and left him there. He probably just caught a bug. He'd be better within the week.
"I don't... I don't need your help..."

He had begun to shake during class. You thought that maybe he was holding back from getting especially angry, but what was he upset at? Had you done something wrong? What was up with him?
Then he got up in the middle of class and left, swiftly and without saying much of anything. Professor Trein looked between you and the door, and gestured for you to follow him. You did, through the winding corrodors and into the restroom where he promptly threw up in the sink.
You held his hair out of his face, something he could not do since both of his arms were focused on keeping his torso upright. Finally the fit ended, and he was left panting and coughing. You hushed him, told him everything would be okay.
"I... No..."

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