When you're taller than him

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AN: This is from my perspective, or taking from my own experiences as a 5'2 (160 centimeter) woman. I am the same height as Riddle Rosehearts. My GF is 5'7ish (Azul height). You can see my struggle here.

You're taller than him, no doubt. He has to really try when it comes to holding your hand. He's 5"2 with fairly short arms, so if you have a taller, lankier build, small acts of intimacy will be quite difficult to reach.
He has very small hands. Your fingers can bend over his. Don't point this out too frequently, he gets frustrated. In fact, don't really mention the height difference if you don't want to upset him.
He does love snuggling with you though. You always find it cute when he leans into your touch for just slightly too long for it to be an accident. You point out that he's been snuggling with you for upwards of twenty minutes and he sputters and jerks away. Poor baby doesn't know how to express his feelings... ever.
"I can still climb you like a tree. You know that."

He's used to being the tallest in the room, so this is certainly a new experience. Maybe spending all his time with Riddle messed up his perception of his own height. He isn't complaining however. He wonders if his perspective of you is how others see him: a frickin giant.
His hands are proportionally large for his frame, and likely your size. He's likes interlacing his fingers with yours while he's working. It's the only time he can multitask.
He's a snugglebug. He can't help it, you make him feel so safe. If he's working and you approach him, he will adjust to do his work in your lap. Awkward considering how gangly he is, but he isn't complaining.
"Does my hat fit you, love?"

He doesn't care much about your height different, although he does love taking cute couples pictures and your height difference can make that a little difficult. Since you're taller than him, you have to hold the camera.
His hands are pretty big for his average build. It makes texting a little tricky, but he manages. The only time he cares about how big or small your hands are is when he's taking a cute picture with your hands as the main star.
He takes on a more submissive role when you cuddle. He loves pressing his back to your chest, letting you see what he's doing on his phone. This position also lets you play with his hair, which he also loves.
"I had a new idea for a picture. You in or nah?"

He gets rather shy regarding his height and he really doesn't like it when you point it out. That's why he likes doing things with you where you're either moving around, or relaxing. If you're moving around, it's hard to see how short he is compared to you. If you're sitting, he looks the same height.
He has a small palm with long fingers. Not long enough that he looks like some sort of alien, but long enough to compensate. They're the perfect size for holding your hand.
He tries to look bigger when you two cuddle. He sits up straight, insists you make yourself comfortable however necessary, the whole nine yards. He just wants you to have the big strong protector experience even if he can't naturally provide that.
"... lean over, idiot.."

He doesn't see to mind much, but he gets flustered when you actively impose your height. For example, if you lean on his shoulder or pat him on the head, he turns as red as Riddle's hair and gently pushes you away. In actuality, he loves your height difference. Particularly, he likes to think that if his anger ever got the best of him, you could physically stop him.
He has sizable hands with small signs of previous breaks and fractures from fights in secondary school. No matter your hand size, gently rubbing his knuckles melts him every time without fail.
He isn't actually much of a cuddler. His love language is words of affirmation, not physical touch. He just likes being around you, even if you're across the room.
"... your gloves are too large for me."

He certainly doesn't mind. He's shorter than most of the people he likes, so it's not a new experience for him. You'd liken him to a dog; smaller than you and full of energy. He requires your undevoted attention.
He has baby hands. You can bend your fingers over his, which he finds incredibly amusing. He thinks your hands are massive, when in actuality his are just teeny tiny.
The only time when he calms down completely is when you snuggle with him. He could go from nonstop running his mouth to total silence with one small motion: touching his hair. He lets out a small whimpers and cuddles closer to you. Congratualations: he's probably going to fall asleep like that.
"Can you help me reach that?"

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