When you sleep walk

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There is, of course, a rule regarding being out of bed in nighttime hours. He isn't supposed to make exceptions for you, regardless of how he feels about you. Rule Number 375 states that the queen shall not discriminate against her subjects. You couldn't control your habit.
So he tried to help you. You woke up with a jolt in front of the stairs. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, his hands were gently around your wrists. His breath lingered on your neck and ear.
"You're sleepwalking, my Rose... why don't we get you back into bed, alright?"

You shuffled past his half-opened door. He sat up, putting on his glasses to get a better look at the student out of bed. He was ready to give a stern talking to and get back to his slumber, but then he saw it was you, and he saw your closed eyelids.
He placed his arms around your waist, gently trying to halt your movements. You half wake up, confused and dazed. He lifts you up and carries you to bed bridal style.
"You may want to invest in some nighttime socks, love."

He saw you nearly run into a wall. He snapped a photo to show you later before leaping to help you. You were staggering around as if you were drunk. He couldn't just let you wander around the dorm.
He took your hand and lead you back to his room, gently helping you on his bed. He yawns and settles himself in his nearby chair.
"You're lucky you're cute~"

You got up from your bed. He heard. He couldn't sleep that night, every noise sounded like the loudest thing on the planet. He thought maybe you were coming over to his room to cuddle or something.
You entered his room and stood ominously at the foot of his bed. He stared for a while, and finally held your hand and laid you down next to him.
"Stop being creepy, creep."

You ran into his door. He was woken up by the thunk of your skull and your soft and confused cries. He rushed to open his door, scooping you up in his arms.
He sits you on his bed, checking you for a concussion. He asks you if you're okay, you tell him that this happens sometimes. He seems sympathetic.
"Would you like to stay here for the night?"

You had been in his bedroom that night. You were having a sleepover. He was sleeping on the floor and you had his bed. You got out of bed, and stepped on his back, waking him up.
He sputtered, confused. You tried to leave his room, but the door was locked. You woke up with a bump on your head and a strong feeling of confusion. He smiled shyly.
"Scarab, why don't you go back to bed, okay?"

You were spending the night with him on the couch. He had been watching movies with you late into the night. His arms were wrapped tightly around you in a protective embrace.
You squirmed against him. He thought you maybe just needed the restroom, and he let go, keeping an eye on you. When you got up and nearly walked into the TV, he got up and helped you back onto the couch.
"No, not tonight, my beetle."

You stumble past his room, half-awake, enthralled in a dream. Then you tripped, waking yourself up with the fall. You didn't know where you were. Why was it so dark? Whose room were you in front of? Was it your own? You never slept with your door open. Whoever it was had guts. Then you saw the pin-prick eyes in the darkness and the shimmer on sharp teeth. It was most definitely Floyd's room. His tall and slender, eel-like figure moved out of the shadows and towards you. You desperately tried to wipe the sleep from your eyes, trying to will yourself to move.  Once the light hit his face, the fear melted away and he smiled lazily down at you. "Shrimpy~! How'd you get here at this time of night~?"

Your dream was like a three-dimensional movie in a theater with screens on all visible surfaces. It was all you could see, all you could focus on. You would inevitably forget all about it, but it was at least mildly entertaining in the meantime. Then your slumber was interrupted by a gentle presence ghosting across your wrists and waist. A kiss was gently placed on your cheek, and you knew who this stranger was. He was comforting and familiar, holding you close to his chest.
"Whatever are you doing up this late?"

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