Lazy mornings

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Under any normal circumstances, he would have gotten out of bed nearly an hour ago. It was always in his schedule to wake up at exactly 7:30. Now it was approaching 8:30, and he still remained in bed.
He felt fine. He had slept perfectly well the night before. But still, some strange and wonderful force compelled him to stay in his warm, comfy bed.
That strange and wonderful force, of course, was your head resting on his upper pectorals. He ran his fingers through your hair. Even if it was taking time out of his schedule, you were worth it.

You awoke with a stretch and a yawn. Then you inhaled, trying to place the scent that was suddenly filling your room. It smelled heavenly, like cherubs had placed the sweetest smelling pastries in your room for you while you rested. You nearly got out of bed to investigate the strange smell, but Trey entered your room before you could.
"You've been working so hard recently. I thought breakfast in bed was in order."

You woke up to the flash of a camera, and the giggle of your boyfriend. Your head was rested on his chest, and you had to wipe a bit of drool away from your mouth. Your hair had been neatened for the sake of your dignity. How Cater had already done his makeup, you had no clue.
"Morning sunshine~!"

He had gotten injured in a fight with another student. He'd fractured his hand and was not required to go to his classes that day. You got the approval to stay with him, and neither of you had gotten out of bed by 10 o'clock. 
You heard him groan. The pain killers the nurse had given him for the fracture were in the bathroom on the sink. He clearly needed them. You went to get up to get them, but he wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you still.
"Don't go yet..."

You didn't have class until noonish... You didn't have his schedule memorized, but you were certain he had classes before then. When you started to try to push him out of bed, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Mornin' to you too~"

This was routine for the two of you. Nothing made a day better for Kalim than a morning cuddle. He woke up to see your slumbering face mere inches from his own. He giggled, softly as not to wake you, and pressed a kiss to your nose. You scrunched up your face and began to wake up. He smiled.
"Good morning, scarab~!"

Jamil Viper, your wonderful boyfriend, was a very busy man. You knew this better than anyone. He had recently been so busy that he had forgotten to spend any time with you, for which he felt incredibly guilty.
That was why you were invited to join him for the night. That was why you were in his bed so early in the morning. His arms were, fittingly, snaked around you, keeping you securely latched to his body. His breathing was slowed and he looked so peaceful. You knew he had things he had to do, but you didn't have the heart to wake him up. Besides, sleep was pulling at you again anyways and he was a comfortable pillow.

Snuggles are a must-have for Floyd! Morning cuddles, evening cuddles, nighttime cuddles, they're all mandatory for him. He requires cuddles when he first wakes up, cuddles before his shifts had the Mostro Lounge, and certainly cuddles before bed.
But morning cuddles are the most important. He will not wake up without them. Sometimes you'll wake up to a bone-crushing hug and a psychotic-sounding giggle. Honestly, you're used to it at this point.
"Gooodd morrnning, Shrimpyyy~!!"

He isn't actually used to much physical contact. So when, on a morning where he didn't have things going on, you were wrapped around him, he was stiff and confused. He pressed a confused kiss to your forehead, hoping to wake you up. Once you fully awoke, you only snuggled closer to him.
"Good morning... What are you doing?"

He began feeling insecure, although you were still asleep. Your arms couldn't quite reach around his abdomen. Had he put on weight or were you just small? He couldn't tell. He never had the most... accurate idea of his size, always imagining that he was larger than he was in actuality.
You began to stir and he jumped slightly. He smiled, kissing your head and hiding his insecurities behind a chuckle.
"Good morning, my starfish..."

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the time for such things. He's a busy man with a strict sleep schedule. He must be out of bed by 8:30, or the world will collapse in on itself.
If you spend the night with him, you're waking up with him. Enjoy that experience :)

Why just do lazy mornings? Whenever he's waking up, he's particularly drowsy and needs some special attention from his baby. He gets snuggly as nothing else when he's coming back from his free trial of death.
Even if you're in a semi-public space, he'll be tiredly clinging to you with his face burrowed in the crook of your neck. He doesn't mind if people stare, you're comfortable.

On the rare occasion where your batty boyfriend sleeps in a bed and not on the ceiling, he's quite cuddly while also being his normal teasing self. You'll wake up five minutes after him and he'll go on and on about how you need to manage your sleep cycle better.
If you kick or snore in your sleep, you will never hear the end of it. Although, he will be snuggled up close to you while he teases you. Make fun of him back and he'll shut up with a giggle.

He lavishes you with affection. His gigantic frame is wrapped around you like a comfortable cloak. His arms are there for you to hold and maneuver as you wish. He only wishes to make you, his beloved mortal, feel as loved and comfortable as is within his power.
His draconian inner-fire is comfortably warm on his skin. You can hear it raging within his chest.

You were asleep on his chest. Normally, he'd push you off of him and begin his morning routine. He had to cleanse and moisturize lest he break out in acne. But you looked so comfortable there. Your hair fell perfectly in front of your face, your skin was clearer than ever, and your nose and cheeks had a perfect pinkish tint to them.
He pulled the blanket up closer to your face. His skin care routine could wait thirty more minutes.

The Roi du poison was away on personal matters that Rook had "No business mettling in". So he was left in charge of the dorm for the day. But he was left with a list of things to get done, each with corresponding times and people to help. He had nothing booked until 10 o'clock.
So here you two were. Your head was snuggled in between his pectorals, and his hands were gently rested on your lower back. He kissed your head.
"Are you awake, mon cher?"

He wasn't sure why Vil and Rook hadn't battered down his door trying to wake him up by 8:30. His head was snuggled up to your chest. He sat up and stretched like a precious little kitten. That was when you woke up, your boyfriend barely sitting up, stretching and yawning. He was about to get out of bed, his bones popping, when you pulled him back into bed.
"Good morning to you too...!"

You expected someone to wake you up, or for your alarm to go off at an expected hour. Leona had been the one to wake you. That was alright a sign that you had overslept.
He ran his fingers through your hair, taming your bed head for you with a scowl. He kissed your hand, looking sleepy and disinterested.

You chirped. He had pulled you ontop of him, keeping him in bed. You fussed, asking if he had anything he should be doing at this time as the vice dorm leader.
He shrugged it off, burrowing his head in your neck and pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
"I've got at least half an hour until Leona can wake up."

He, unfortunately, will not indulge you in a "lazy morning". Training and strength waits for no man.

You snuggle with him before he wakes up. His systems are warm... his fans are humming, you can hear his voice rattle in his chest, sorting through his actions for the day. You have until he wakes up. Once he's up, he will start working. Once he's working, you can't stop him.

He hummed lowly. Something was different this morning. His usually anxiety was all but missing, he felt comfortable... safe... like something was filling an empty void and keeping him grounded to reality.
He opened an eye and found you clinging to his arm like it was a Teddy bear. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to his index and middle fingers before applying the love to your hair.
He had time before you woke up...

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