When he has a nightmare

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AN: Trigger Warning: Blood, spiders, implied bodily harm, injury, general nightmare stuff.

It was that dream again. Always the same damned dream.
"I'm right! I'M the one who's right! There is NO! POSSIBLE! ALTERNATIVE!"
How had he been so blinded that he had nearly hurt Trey? Cater? His own freshmen... You... His rose... It hurt still. He always felt wrong using magic, like he wasn't supposed to. Maybe the week of bed rest had messed with his mind.
"In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest!"
The bush in his hand crashed down upon you, opening a rift in the ground and bringing his darkest fear to the surface. The next round never started. He had won. Why was he laughing... Why did he keep attacking... He hurt, he was tired...
"The law of this world is ME!"
His head popped off the pillow and his chest began to heave with controlled sobs. Not again. He looked around the room for something to ground himself with. He was here. You were okay. He was still Riddle Rosehearts. No longer the Rose Red Tyrant. Just Riddle. Your Riddle.
"... are you awake my Rose?"

He ran through his childhood home. Where was everybody?
"Bix? Jem? Taj? Mom? Dad?"
He somehow already knew what had happened. The lack of life in the bakery was already a dead giveaway. But he still, for some reason, kept searching for his family. Then he tried to look for his friends. Were they playing a prank on him? Was he the joke?
"Riddle? Chenya?"
Then, finally, he tried to find you. You, along with everyone else he had ever loved, had vanished into thin air. He knew what had happened. The mysterious stains on the floors and walls and streets painted a clear enough picture. And yet he held out hope.
"Where are you?!"
He woke up with a jolt. The sun was shining in through the curtains. He picked up his glasses from his nightstand and immediately located you and Riddle. He just had to be certain.
"I've never been happier to see you."

It seemed stupid in hindsight, but Cater feared what everyone did. It just was far less subtle when he dreamed of it.
"What do you mean my subs hit zero?"
His hands shook, threatening to drop his phone and forcibly end the call with who he presumed was his agent. Yes, this was his greatest fear- losing his following. It ran much deeper than that, evolving deep down into being a fear of being forgotten.
"... You're letting me go from my contract..."
Losing everything he had worked for... built his life around since being accepted into Night Raven... it was all too much...
"... I understand. Thank you for this opportunity."
Then he woke up next to you. He scrambled for his phone. Magicam followers still nearing a million. His other socials were just as successful. Then he looked at you.
"... my starlette..."

Fighting. He hated the sheer amount of fights he got into spending time with you, but anything to defend you and your honor.
Of course, the endless depths of his subconscious had taken him to the next logical place after violent behavior: Expulsion. Punishment. But the blame had somehow been heaped onto you. He'd gotten off with detentions and menial punishments, but you were packing your bags.
He clutched your waist, close to tears.
"Don't go... please..."
Then he woke up, clutching the real you in his arms. His breath was shaky and hard to control, but having you in his arms helped to calm his racing mind.
"I love you..."

He was frozen in place. The inky shadow loomed behind his housewarden, doubling his voice and sending shivers down Ace's spine. You, lacking in magic, stood off to the side, barking orders to him and his companions. He was going to die, he was certain.
Then you shouted him forward.
"Ace! Forest Leaf Shot 2!"
Why couldn't his spells have cool names?
He lept forward. Riddle struck first. The team's health was below five thousand, you had noted. When the necrotic rose bush crashed down onto his head, he woke up.
You were laying next to him, as delicate and beautiful as ever. Safe. Both of you.
"... I love you..."

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