When you meet his family

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AN: This was an idea given to me by NanaNella32 so go give them some love!

His stomach was in knots, you could tell. His mother wasn't going to like you. You both knew that. He could hope for the best, but you both knew that she would think you were below her son and didn't deserve him.
And yet, you stood in front of her door. His knees were knocking and you could feel his urge to flee, but you held his hand. The door opened and immediately a chill ran down his spine.
"Riddle. Who is this."
He looked between the two of you.
"... My partner, mother..."
She looked you up and down. This was going to be a long night.

He wasn't scared in the least. His family would love you. His little siblings would love having another addition to the family. His parents would begin to dote on you. He was certain of it.
Then you actually met his family. At first, sitting at the dinner table with them, silent except for Trey, you felt like something was about to go wrong. Finally, Trey addressed the elephant in the room.
"Mom, dad. Please say something to my partner."
They looked between each other and then back to you. His mother spoke up, dropping her fork.
"Are you two happy together?"
You nodded, smiling jovially. She nodded back, smiling in return. The room erupted into conversation.

You were insecure in his family's home, but he did his best to comfort you and make you feel safe. You were seated in his lap, his arms snaked around you. Then his father walked in on you two.
He raised an eyebrow, glancing between you and his son.
"Did I walk in on something?"
Cater snickered, planting a kiss on your cheek. He assured his father that he was just trying to make you comfortable in the house. The older man glanced back to you, raising an eyebrow. You smiled awkwardly. He began to laugh.
"Welcome to the family."

His mother was looking between you and her former delinquent. His grandmother was fixing you a cup of tea. She already seemed to like you. His mother however seemed to need a little more convincing.
"How has Deuce been."
You told her about your escapades at school. How he was near the top of the class, how he often helped you with your homework. She didn't seem satisfied.
Deuce looked down. You held his hand, smiling nervously. You told her that he was so kind and gentle with you, that he was the best guy you'd ever met.
She looked you up and down again, rose from her chair, and pulled the two of you into a tearfilled hug.

His father had warmed up to you very easily. His older brother needed more convincing, of course. A stranger coming into the family and seducing his baby brother? He couldn't let this stand.
And then you came into the house, bringing tidings of video games and snacks. He warmed up to you quite quickly.
In the middle of a game of Mario Kart, Ace planted a kiss on your cheek.
"Congrats, you broke through the ice."

Dinner was exquisite. It was prepared by world class chefs, undeniably. This was just the benefits of dating a prince. You were minding your best manners, trying to be polite and your best self. Your hands were shaking, trying not to drop your fork. Their gaze was making you feel judged.
Eventually, Kalim spoke up with a chipper smile on his face.
"What do you think of dinner?"
You said that it was exquisite, thanking his parents for the meal. They looked between each other. You were cute. They had to admit.

You were intimidated by his family. Not by Najima. She immediately welcomed you into the household and the family by extension. She had given you a tour, shown you every nook and cranny of the house.
His parents were tougher nuts to crack. They gave you mildly judgemental looks whenever you crossed their line of sight. You overheard their conversation with Jamil.
"Are you certain that they're the one."
He was silent.
"Yes. Yes I am."

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