Mysteries and Food Fights

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Sorry for the long wait!

Not sure if anyone notices, but I've edited all of my old works. Yes, even Wattpad and AO3, so they should have fewer writing errors now and hopefully be much more readable. I even reworked Hal's introduction in chapter 5, so feel free to check it out when you have the time.

It's sometimes nice to read an old chapter again a few times while waiting for a fresh new chapter to come up.

(City Of Vale)

An old shopkeeper was putting up a sign that declares the reopening of his "From Dust to Dawn" shop. As he climbed down the ladder, he accidentally bumped into a certain dark skinned and mint-green teenage girl, causing the poor old man to stumble and fall.

"Excuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here." The girl apologized as she helped the elderly shopkeeper to his feet. "Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?"

She said as she showed him a note with an address as the shopkeeper looked it over.

The shopkeeper nodded after skimming the note and gave her the directions she needed.

As the girl walked away while waving goodbye to the shopkeeper, she turned to an alleyway where her partner (in crime, mind you), aka the gray haired young man, was waiting for her.

"I knew you were lost." He told her.

"Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up." The girl told him, as she took out the shop owner's wallet that she pickpocketed and waved it in Mercury's face.

"That's not your money." Mercury replied.

"But it can be yours for five minutes of silence." The girl said to Mercury while still waving the wallet in front of his face.

Mercury thought to himself for a while before saying with a grin, "No deal."
"Fine." She muttered as she took out the lien from the wallet and threw the wallet and followed mercury from behind. "Whatever. You want me." Mercury said, annoying her even further.

(Some time later...)

" much farther?" Mercury asked, getting bored that they kept walking.

"A few blocks." The girl replied.

"Ugh... this place is so dull." Mercury complained.

"Eh, I kinda like it." The girl said. "Tall buildings, diverse culture..."
"And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket." Mercury interrupted her suddenly.

"That's every city." The girl replied.

"Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!" Mercury pleaded as a bad impression of a victim of a robbery, causing the girl, identified as Emerald, to glare at him and groan angrily, before walking away from him.

"Ugh... you're no fun today." Mercury said to her as he followed.

The duo made it to a bookstore called: "Tukson's Book Trade" and walked inside.

"Huh? That's weird, no one's here. Usually there'll be a random bookworm or two but.... Not today?" Mercury muttered as he looked around the store to see no customers around.

"At least this makes our job easier." Emerald said as Mercury quickly locked the shop entrance while she walked up to the desk and rang the desk bell to get the owner's attention. Strange enough, no response.
Exchanging confused looks with Mercury, Emerald rang the bell again. Still nothing. Seeing that there is still no response, the duo walked past the desk and into the back room of the store to investigate. When they entered the back room, they suddenly stopped in their tracks with dropped jaws at what they saw.
It was their target, Tukson, a Faunus man and the owner of the store, lying down on the ground motionless with both arms and one leg twisted behind his back. Scratch marks, burns and bullet wounds decorated his body while the walls are also littered with scratch marks, large burnt marks and bullet holes. The wall behind Tukson has a large graffiti of a red wolf with red claw marks, the insignia of the White Fang.

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