Pork Of The Moon

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RING A DINGA LING LING LING! Time for Season 2! Or as I like to call it, "The Countdown Before The Fall" arc has begun. What further developments are The Flock planning? What are the Pigs (plus Chef Pig) scheming? And what will happen next? Only time will tell.

Anyways... enjoy the start of Volume 2/ Season 2. That's why you are here, no?

(Midnight, Silver's Lab)

"Alright...this should do it..." Silver said to herself quietly as she grabbed the two gray handles and pushed them together, causing the orange orb-like container that is connected to the handles to make a sound of a single click.

Silver then gave a quiet sigh as she placed the container containing the EggSpark shard down at the computer table, under the lone lit lamp as she turned her swivel chair around to see Terence lying down on the floor, sleeping on his face before yawning softly.

"Maybe...I can sleep here for now...so...sleepy..." Silver thought to herself as she locked the Eggspark container into a secure safe below the computer table before she rested her head on the computer table.

Until her scroll started ringing loudly.

"Gah!" Silver yelped in shock as she was jolted awake from the noise before she reached for her scroll and quickly answered it.


"Young Silver! Thank goodness I found you!" An overjoyed voice of a somewhat familiar old man entered Silver's ears.

"Um...who are you?" Silver slowly asked through her scroll.

"You forgot? Who do you think gave you that biplane for your 10th birthday?"

"P-Professor?! Is that you?!"

"Attagirl! How are you and your friends doing at Beacon?"

"Wait, how did you know I'm at Beacon? And how did you get my contact number? How did you end up in Remnant?"

"This place is called Remnant? Interesting...Well, to answer your question, it's kind of a long story..." Professor Pig said as he began to tell his story.

(A long time ago, Piggy Island, after the EggSpark was launched off into space by Chuck/Bumblebee)

"It's not my fault..." Foreman Pig protested. "It was-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" yelled a very angry King Pig.

"From any of you! I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm eggless, and this has been a...a..."

"Ridiculous?" Chef Pig suggested.

"...Ridiculous day!" King Pig continued. "At least I don't have to walk anymore. Legs...yeuchh!" King Pig said in disguise as he slumped back on his chair that his three minion pigs were carrying. Normally there would be four carrying the chair, but the last minion pig was launched off into space to who knows where, so now there were three.

"Yeah, we all did-"

"Stuff that we'd never-"

"Do on our own...right...?" The three tired minion pigs said as they carried their king back home.

(Kitchen of The Pig Palace, Night)

"Ugh...this is exhausting..." Chef pig groaned as he lay on the floor of his kitchen resting.

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