Rumble In The Jungle

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Hello again everybody!

Sorry for the wait, here's chapter 4!

You can now read BSOTM not just at Wattpad!

Fanfiction: JazzWrites

AO3: JazzWrite

Enjoy the chapter with Grimm fights, interactions with the soon-to-be formed of RWBY and JNPR, and not to forget, more reunited members of the flock!

RWBY and Angry Birds belong to Rooster Teeth and Rovio respectively.

(Next morning)

Red, Chuck and The Blues were in their own dorm room that Ozpin had set up for them, preparing to head out to the Emerald Forest.

"This place is great!" Chuck exclaimed, looking out at the window, showing the entire campus. "It has dorms, nice scenery, a cafeteria with delicious food and a library, better than what Pig City has to offer back home!"

"It could be a paradise-" "If those Grimm monsters-" "Didn't exist." The Blues pointed out.

"Yeah, I can see why, especially when you consider the monsters they have to fight." Red said as he looked over all the data on the Creatures of Grimm that Ozpin gave them, which he downloaded to the scroll that Ozpin also gave him.

"These Grimm things are quite nasty in this place. Beowolves, Ursai, Wyverns, Nevermores, Death Stalkers..." Red muttered out the names of the Grimm while The Blues went over to Red's side to see what the monsters looked like.

"Hehe...they all looked like they were ready for a Halloween party!" giggled Jake.

"Woah! Is that a three-headed giraffe!?" Jim asked with surprise and awe.

"Fascinating... some of them even resemble the animals we see back home." Jay remarked.

"Either the pigs will find a way to control them, or they somehow side with them, if both of them are intelligent enough that is." Red expressed his concern.

"That's all the more reason for us to work with Ozpin and these Huntsmen to help fight them, right?" Chuck said while doing stretching exercises. "It's also why Ozpin is having us take this test of his with those first-year students. It is not just to test our skills, but to see what we are capable of. By the way, Red, didn't you say you met a girl who got accepted into this school waaay early?"

"Yep, her name is Ruby. Ruby Rose." Red began. "She's got some skill, apparently her uncle trained her, wields a scythe that can transform into some kind of gun and she's pretty fast too. Well technically not as fast as you, Chuck, but still pretty fast. Apparently, Ozpin admitted her two years ahead of other students like her, so she seems like a special case."

"I happened to meet her when I arrived here. She was showing off her weapon to a boy with a nice choice of clothing. She really loves her weapon, I'm telling ya." Chuck said.

"Can't wait to meet them and see what they can do!" The Blues squealed, barely containing their excitement.

"We should get going then. Ozpin's probably expecting us now and it would be rude to keep him waiting." Red suggested, putting the scroll in his pocket.

"Eh, we'll be there in no time." Chuck said as he opened the window. "Race you guys there!" He challenged as he fell causally out of the window before running down the side of the building, with Red and The Blues hopping out to use their own speed to follow Chuck.

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