Third Time's The Charm

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(Beacon Academy, Night)

All of the first years had gathered in the Ballroom with their sleeping bags, and were getting ready to sleep through the night, some chose to simply read or write or do something else before doing so.

"It's like a big slumber party!" Yang exclaimed as she laid down next to her little sister Ruby.

"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though." Ruby commented.

"I know I do!" Yang purred as she observed several muscular, shirtless guys before she quickly returned her attention to Ruby after seeing Jaune waving to her in his Pumpkin Pete pajamas. "What's that?" She asked her sister, seeing her writing something.

"Whatcha writing?" Yang asked.

"A letter to the gang back at Signal." Ruby replied. "I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."

"Aw that's so cute!" Yang gushed, causing Ruby to irritatingly throw her corgi pillow at her older sister's face, knocking her back slightly.

"Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school! It's weird not knowing anyone here." Ruby said dejectedly.

"What about Jaune? He's... nice." Yang told her. "There you go, plus one friend! That's a hundred percent increase!"

"Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend." Ruby said as she laid back on her sleeping bag. "Back to zero."

"There's no such thing as negative friends. You just made one friend and one enemy." Yang stated, only for Ruby to throw her corgi pillow at her face again. "And what about that Red guy you keep talking about? Isn't he a friend?"

"I barely even know him." Ruby said. "I only saw him once, and I haven't caught a glimpse of him here at Beacon. Pretty sure I'm never gonna see him again." She didn't tell Yang about Chuck because like Red, only appeared once and she doesn't know his name.

Yang sighed before speaking a bit more seriously. "Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet."

Ruby's attention was caught by a lit up candle, the owner of the lit candle was the same black-haired girl with a bowtie from before, sitting against a wall and reading a book. "That girl..."

"You know her?" Yang asked.

"Not really." Ruby answered. "She saw what happened this morning but left before I could say anything."

"Well, now's your chance." Yang said as she immediately got up and pulled Ruby up with her by the arm.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Ruby questioned as she was dragged by her older sister who made their way towards the black-haired girl, turning her attention from her book to the two sisters.

"Hello." Yang greeted the black haired girl. "I believe you two may know each other." She reintroduced Ruby to her.

"Aren't you... the girl that exploded?"

"Uh, yeah. My name's Ruby." She offered her hand to shake, but the girl just seemed to be more interested in her book. "But... you can just call me Crater F... actually you can just call me Ruby." She said with a wince.


"What are you doing?" Yang whispered to Ruby.

"I don't know, help me!" Ruby whispered back.

Attempting to communicate further with the girl, Yang asked, "So, what's your name?"

"Blake." The girl answered simply.

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