Bird Watching

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Hello again! I don't have much to say today. As unsurprising as it seems, Angry Birds fanfiction doesn't seem good, popular or not enough good recognition. However, I assure you that I will try my best to improve and I'm open to suggestions, and since I've thought out this crossover idea and I've finished chapter one, There's no stopping myself now.

Without further ado, here's chapter 2, I hope you enjoy.

Beacon Academy, the Huntsman Academy of the Kingdom of Vale, which resembles a castle more than an actual school. At the top of the tower of the academy stood Red in the balcony, having a bird's eye view of the entire campus. He gave an impressed nod.

"I'll say, the school looks impressive for the school to resemble a castle, Mr. Ozpin." Red commented.

"I'm glad that you find it impressive, Mr. Red," Ozpin replied from behind. "Now then, if we could finish our conversation in my office..." Ozpin continued, opening the door to his office, waiting for Red to enter.

"Oh, right." Red said as he walked away from the balcony and entered Ozpin's office, before Ozpin shut the door.

Ozpin's office seems to be a clock tower, as intricate clock gears in the office, accompanied by the sound of gears, and behind a clock gear chair was a large clock face that is also used as a window. The night before, Red had given Ozpin, along with Glynda and Ruby, since they were still in the room with the two men, a brief explanation of his story. Upon hearing that Red is from a different world entirely, Ozpin suggested that the rest of the conversation would be best to be conducted in a more private setting, such as his office, and Red agreed with his suggestion.

"So to put it shortly, you and your friends come from another world in pursuit of your enemies, called the Bad Piggies, which are suspected to be in Remnant to cause havoc here..."Ozpin began as he sat at his desk. "Having come through a strange purple portal that clearly doesn't belong to these Bad Piggies."

"Yep, that pretty much sums it up, that machine doesn't seem like the pig's design, although they are quite civilized like this place here." Red replied.

"How civilized are they?" Ozpin asked curiously.

"They are able to create numerous devices and have a wide variety of cultures. They even have a government, politics and their own military! Most of them are not very bright however, behaving like hooligans, but they compensate for it by sheer numbers. There are hundreds and thousands of them in my world, which I'm afraid could overwhelm Remnant within a few days." Red explained.

"So they are like the Creatures of the Grimm, but more efficient, this might be a problem..." Ozpin said. "Creatures of the Grimm?" Red questioned.

"They are monsters that inhabit various parts of Remnant. They are known as "Creatures Of Destruction" as they hunt and kill humanity, not for sustenance, but because they seem to embody death itself. Lacking a soul, They are drawn to feelings of negativity such as envy, sadness, loneliness and hatred." Ozpin explained.

"They are like the Pigs but extremely it. The more reason for me to look for my friends. They were brought into an unknown world and may have trouble adapting here." Red stated. "Is there any way you can contact your friends?" Ozpin asked. Red looked at Ozpin with a worried expression and said, "Unfortunately, no, I sure hope they are okay..."


Several ships were docking at the entrance of the school. As soon as one of the ships landed and opened its doors, several students walked out of the ship. A blond student quickly walked out of the ship first and into the nearest trash can, with both hands covering his mouth before he lost his stomach's contents to the trash can. Ruby, along with a long haired blonde girl beside her, followed the other students on the pathway that leads to the academy. Ruby and the blonde girl stopped midway through the courtyard as they looked in awe at the castle that will serve as their school and home for the next few years.

Bird Side Of The Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें