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Hello again everybody!

I'm sure you guys already know/heard about the new bird Melody.

If you don't know about her, I suggest you look it up when you have the time. Any thoughts on her? I might add her into the story, but we shall see. Feel free to share in the comments.

Enjoy the story.

It was the middle of the night as the shattered moon shone over a mountain range near the quiet Kingdom of Vale. While at the top of one of the mountains, a loud battle is going on, although it ended quite swiftly. Several Grimm consisting of Beowolves, Ursas, Griffons and a few Boarbatusks experienced the cruelty of Mistress Gravity before either receiving fatal injuries from surviving the fall or succumbing to their injuries.

A lone surviving Beowolf landed near the cliff of the mountain top from the attack. It roared in anger as it struggled to get back up only to be silenced permanently by a skull-cracking blunt strike.

The mysterious figure, covered only by shadows and darkness, watched as the Beowolf disintegrated, before walking towards the cliff and took some time to gaze at the city below him.

"That's a whole lot of Grimm compared to the number of them in the villages I've saved. This must be the City Of Vale, I wonder if they're here." The stranger said to himself before hopping down the cliff to slide down the mountain, heading towards the city and leaving the remaining Grimm survivors to their slow deaths.

The next morning, Weiss slept peacefully in her bed, the morning sun shining brightly into the dorm through the open window. She pulled herself up slowly with a yawn, eyes flickered open having awoken from a rather peaceful slumber...

Only to have a whistle blown loudly at her face, causing Weiss to fall out of her bed and into the floor with a yelp.

"GOOD MORNING, TEAM RWBY!" Ruby greeted enthusiastically, already fully dressed in her Beacon School uniform.

"What in the world is wrong with you!?" Weiss exclaimed while still being on the ground.

"Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business!" Ruby declared.

"Excuse me?" Weiss questioned as she got up and brushed herself off.

"Decorating!" Yang replied, holding a cluster of items such as pillows and pamphlets in her arms. She and Blake were also dressed in their school uniforms.

"What?" was Weiss's only reply.

"We still have to unpack." Blake explained as she held up her suitcase, which accidentally opened and spilled all her contents over the floor. "...And clean."

Weiss' eyelids lowered due to lack of enthusiasm, only to be blown back by Ruby's whistleblowing once again.

"Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! Banzai!" The young silver-eyed girl cheered while raising her fist into the air.

"Banzai!" Yang and even Blake cheered as well, while Weiss only lowered her head.

The four girls immediately began to decorate their dorm room. Yang began to hang up posters of boy bands and movies, Weiss put up various portraits along the walls, after having gotten dressed in her school uniform. Blake put all her books in a bookshelf, making sure to keep the others from seeing her precious book that is called Ninjas Of Love. Ruby tried to adjust the curtain around the window with her Crescent Rose, only to accidentally slice it with her scythe blade.

It appeared to be finished, only for the four girls to wince at just how tightly packed their room was. Between the beds, furniture, and all their decorations, there was no room to walk, they couldn't even see the floor and their beds were all literally piled on top of each other.

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