Chapter 20: Protection

Start from the beginning

My own words stabbed daggers into my heart. Lincoln is a person I could always count on. How did we get here?

"We've known each other for years, Lexi. We've never had a fight. Just a few days with him and look at us." He pointed between us. "He's not a good influence on you."

"I'm not a child Lincoln. Stop treating me like one. I have a mind of my own."

"Yes? And where is it right now?" He snorted. "I don't know what he did to cloud your sanity like that, but you're making a mistake. He's a mistake."

"He?" I shook my head. "He's the only person I feel doesn't judge me. And before you tell me that you don't judge me either, I'm not blind. Every decision in my life since I met you, Lincoln. Every decision."

"So that's how you feel, huh? That we are a burden to you?" He frowned. "Wow." He snorted. "You know what, fine." He nodded. "If you want it like that, suit yourself. Don't cry to me when he breaks your heart. Because guys like him? They don't care about other people's feelings."

"And you cared about his feelings when you started talking about his life, which you don't even know?"

"That's different." He said between his teeth.

"No, that's hypocritical of you. Once you get to know him properly and tell me to stay away from him, fine, I'll do it. But right now, you don't know anything about him, so your opinion? Irrelevant."

He shook his head. "I'll go before you say something you'll regret." He took a step back.

"Or you're leaving because you know I'm right."

"Why are you protecting him? What did he do to make you able to go against us for him? Your friends?"

I remained silent, knowing that if the answer came out of my mouth, it would hurt both of us.

"I'll go." After a while he said. "We'll talk later."

I didn't answer him. I didn't nod or shake my head. I didn't even give him a hint of reaction.

He turned on the spot and walked to the door. He hesitated slightly before opening them but finally got out and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Oh Lexi what are you doing?" I exhaled heavily and looked at Finn on the bed. "All this for a person who will quite possibly break my heart."

My heart was pounding in my head

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My heart was pounding in my head.

The moment I was able to open my eyes, everything slowly began to return to me from the previous evening.

Maybe it would be better if I didn't remember anything.

I sat up faster than I should have, for which my head thanked me with a dull ache. I hissed in pain and immediately felt pain in my right arm and all over my face.

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