Chapter 42: All's well that ends well, right?

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What were his real intentions? Was it his soft side wanting to save her? Or was it his cold mafia side wanting to give her up?

"Tristen?" She whispered. He maintained his eyes on the crackhead in front of him.

"You didn't have to shoot me so many times, bud. It hurt so much." Juggy complained. "Is that so?" He muttered. "Obviously! One or two bullets, max. But you emptied your revolver at me, dude. Not cool." He folded his arms like a brat. "That's the thing, Juggy." Tristen chuckled.

"You count the bullets that you could take for me. I have someone who will give their life for me." He said, his eyes getting blood red. He looked at Lavender as he rubbed her back gently.

Tears formed, and one rolled down his cheek. Bullets started firing as he spectated the scenario of people dying in front of his eyes. Lavender, startled, shut her eyes tightly and held onto her husband, wanting to cancel out the deadly sounds. He caressed her head in a way to say that it was alright. He would not let her die.

He watched how his own men were shooting Juggy's. His glass walls had shattered, which was when he advised Lavender to take cover behind the living room walls. He helped her down, putting her hair behind her ears. "Sorry, if I took you by surprise out there." Tristen mumbled, breathing through his mouth while he pulled Lavender's wounded leg out straight.

"F-For a moment, I-I really thought... I.... I'm sorry, baby. I almost thought.... I shouldn't have doubted you." She started to cry. "No, it's understandable." He replied, tearing off a portion of her dress from the end. "Given that you're carrying another life, it must've hit you like a bullet train." He grinned, checking his body for a sharp knife.

"Tristen... you really think you should be making a pun out of bullets in this situation?" Lavender rolled her eyes, partly in pain.


"I'll try to be as gentle as I can, but it's going to pain nevertheless. But it will be out in the blink of an eye." Tristen consoled, patting her tender cheek while he held the sharp pocket knife in the other hand. "What?" She asked, already preoccupied by her pain.

He dove the knife straight into her shot leg. "WHAT THE-" Lavender bit her tongue, tolerating the pain as well as she could. "It's not shot deeply, I found the bullet." Tristen said, quickly scraping it out of her body like it were some piece to repair. Lavender dug her nails into his shoulders, which probably pierced him deeper than the bullet in her leg.

The little ammo popped out of her leg and fell onto the marble floor with a clank, as Tristen wasted no time to stuff her wound with the torn cloth before finally wrapping it around her leg. "What in the motherfucking world did you just do to me?" Lavender spat in anger.

Tristen sat there in her awe, falling in love with her all over again. "Baby..." He muttered, placing his palm on her thigh. "What is it?" She winced.

"Would you consider joining me as a maf-"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?" She yelled, making his shoulders jump. "Alright, we'll discuss that later." He patted her arms. "Just stay here, do not move away, okay? If something happens out there and, hypothetically, we lose, you need to RUN through that back door. It will lead you straight into the streets of Bilsburg. Juggy does not know that, so take advantage." He said, before pulling out his revolver. "How will I know if I need to run away?" She asked. "When everything's gone silent, and you hear Juggy laughing like a crackhead, you will know." He said before he exposed himself through the door to join in with the gunfight.

Lavender panted heavily, wanting to just pass out. She was ready to give up, leave it all to her husband to handle, for she knew that he would be there to save the day.

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