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Draco's POV:

"It's been a week, mother, I don't know what to do with myself. What if I never get to tell him I love him?" I asked, tears streaming down my face, it had been a week and they cannot figure out what's wrong with Harry. He hasn't improved, but he hasn't necessarily gotten worse either. I've barely left his side or eaten, mother came in today to get me to go back to school but I can't. Not without my Harry.

"He will pull through darling, I just know it. He's so strong, and besides, he knows how much you love him even if you have yet to say it. He knows love." My mothers comforting words filled my ears as I cried softly into her shoulder.

Ron and Hermione went back to school and have been collecting notes for me, even Liv went back to school but I just couldn't. I couldn't leave Harry in this state by himself. What if he woke up alone? What if he never wakes up and I'm not there for him when he passes. He deserves to be surrounded by those he loves, he only has a few of them left.

"Mother can I ask about you and Severus now? What did father mean when he said Severus took his wife?" My mother tensed at the question, looking away for a second and taking a deep breath. "Severus and I have found comfort in each other. That is all my little lamb."

I nodded, I didn't want to push the issue too far. My mother was always a very private woman, and I didn't want to cause any bit of discomfort for her. Who she was with, or not with, was none of my concern anyways. I understood her from the perspective that Harry and I had not told anyone of our relationship still. I only wished for my mothers happiness.

We sat in silence for many minutes, just holding each other and looking at my Harry. I wished nothing more than for him to get better, but I was starting to lose hope. As we sat there, beeping machines being the only noise in the room, I started to think back through the years.

I had been drawn to Harry from the very first time we met, way back when in the robe shop. I was a little snot of course, I had to be. When he denied my hand in first year I swore to hate him, I literally made Crabbe and Goyle pinch me every time I looked at him.

Harry and I have just always been drawn to each other, even if it wasn't always for good reasons. I just wish we'd have been able to become friends sooner in life, but I'm so grateful for the time we've gotten, even if our time has to be cut short.

"Dammit! Just wake up Harry. You've been hit by a bloody killing curse twice and were still kicking, but you're going to let someone as weak as my father get to you? Rubbish. Absolute Rubbish." I think I startled my mothers thought process with my yelling because I felt her jump beside me, but I didn't care. I buried my head in my hands letting out a frustrated groan.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump this time. It was bigger than my mothers, and I was sure I knew who it was but I didn't bother to look up. They'd speak.

"In the best way you two remind me of Lily and James." There it is, Sirius. That's who I figured, he's the only one that would be here. Everyone else is at Hogwarts. "Why's that?" I mumbled, still not looking up from my hands.

"The love you have, no matter how long it's been denied. The way you guys defend each other, and protect each other. The way you still manage to find reasons to yell at him even when he's unconscious, you know the little things." We both chuckled at the end, and I finally looked up at Harry, then to Sirius.

"I want him to wake up Sirius, I just got him, I can't lose him." Sirius ruffled my already messed up hair, sighing with a saddened smile, "I know Draco, I'm sure he will be alright, we just have to give it time."


Time really must've been all he needed, because later that evening while I was holding his hand ready to give up and leave I felt his fingers squeeze mine weakly. "Harry?" I barely whispered looking up to see his eyes scrunching. He took a second but turned his head with his eyes still closed , he opened his mouth and at first nothing came out.

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