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• Harry's pov •

"I'm bisexual." i said as we all sat in a circle in the common rooms. It had been a couple weeks since our last hogsmeade trip and I had taken a lot of time to think about things. I spoke to and came out to moony and padfoot first, and then decided it was finally time to be myself with my friends. Ron scoffed, "obviously Harry we're married!" I chuckled, and eyed Hermione "I'm proud of you Harry. Being yourself is amazing." She smiled at her girlfriend as she said this.

Pansy and Hermione ended up getting together, they still were with their boyfriends and were both super happy. Ron and Blaise were just happy that they were happy, it took a few weeks to properly communicate all of their boundaries and such but they wanted to give it a shot. I looked over at Draco, to eye his reaction and he was just looking at me fondly. "I'm proud of you, Potty." I scrunched up my nose, shoving him, and laying on his shoulder. "Well thanks but don't call me potty." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and looking down at me.

"I will call you whatever I please." I just stuck my tongue out at him and rolled my eyes. I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and sighed in content. Me and Draco got really close, and I wasn't scared to let him in anymore. He is honestly an amazing mate, and I love being with him. Not with him Harry.. friends with him.

That was becoming a problem frequently, I didn't have feelings for Draco, that would be weird. Sometimes I let my mind wander too far though at the thought of it, I just blamed it on the newly found gay in myself and moved on. Draco leaned down to my ear and whispered, "want to go draw?" I smiled softly and nodded, "can we?" He just stood up and grabbed my hand pulling him up with me, "won won I'm stealing your husband." Ron shrugged, "we all knew it was going to happen at some point. Go ahead."

I shot Ron a glare but couldn't help but chuckle, intertwining our fingers I started to pull Draco to our dorm and away from the crowd.

•Ron's pov•

As soon as Harry and Draco were out of sight we all looked at each other. "Do you think they've realized they're in love?" I asked looking between Hermione and Luna. If anyone knew it was those two. "I think they're in denial, especially Harry. He just came to terms with his sexuality, he isn't going to rush any feelings." Hermione said and Luna nodded, "I think Draco knows, but is too afraid to ruin the friendship he feels he doesn't deserve."

Everyone nodded along, "I think we need to just leave them be though, no interfering. This is the happiest I've seen Harry since fourth year before the tournament. I love seeing him happy, I'll hex anyone who bothers them." Ginny said and I smiled at my sister, "always the excuse to hex someone, but you're right. As much as I'm sure some of us are itching to see them together, we have to let them play this how they want." Hermione nodded, "I agree, Harry and Draco both deserve to be happy. On their own terms. Pushing may hurt one of them."

•Harry's pov•

This time I laid on Draco's shoulder, watching him draw. He was so much better than I was, and I saw why he liked watching me so much. It's amazing to watch someone turn a blank piece of paper into a beautiful picture. "What are you drawing?" Draco chuckled, and ruffled my hair. "You, dork." I blushed, nuzzling further into his neck, "why me?" I asked quietly.

"Well when I draw I like to draw beautiful things, and you're very beautiful." I blushed even harder, hiding my face in my hands. "I am not beautiful." Draco put his book down, and pulled my hands off my face, he took both sides of my face in his hands.

"I hate how poorly you think of yourself, a couple years ago I'd have made you believe that was true. After getting to know you, and I mean really know you, I know now more than ever how beautiful you are. Not even just on the outside, but the inside too. You took the slytherins under you're arm when we haven't ever given you a reason. You befriended me Blaise and Pansy, when we definitely never gave you a reason. It's the best thing that's happened to me, you're one of my best friends now and if you need a pick me up I'll be damned if I don't give you one. I'll tell you everyday how amazing you are."

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