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•Harry's pov•

We lined up one by one, it was me, then Draco, then Hermione, then Pansy, then Ron, then Blaise. Ginny, Neville, Luna, Seamus, and Dean were right behind us wands out. People from all directions were gasping. "The chosen one.. with a deatheater?!" Someone shouted, and all eyes were finally on us. I turned to the kid who yelled that, but before I could say anything Ginny yelled, "say that again and I will hex the living piss out of you." The kid gasped again, putting his head down sharply. I smirked, turning my head and thanking Ginny.

We walked straight through the front doors, eyes wide on us and made our way to the great hall. McGonagall had a wicked smile crossing her face when she saw us walk in. We all stood in the back still in line, while the sorting ceremony went on. Cheering and screaming for every student that got sorted. At first everyone looked at us like we were nuts, but then some people started following. The hufflepuffs were the first to join, then some from slytherin, only a few from gryffindor joined, and I think maybe three kids from ravenclaw. Either way some people were joining, so that was a good sign.

The sorting ceremony came to an end after awhile, and McGonagall started her speech. "Welcome students, a couple start of term announcements. No student is to enter the forbidden forest. This years circumstances are a bit different, we are welcoming back last years seventh year students who could not be here due to the war, those students will be called eighth years as to not get mixed up with the seventh years. I ask that you leave them alone, they are here for an education same as you are. Eight years as you are of age you will not have a curfew and can come and go as you wish, but I trust that you will follow the rules and be responsible in keeping up with your class work. Furthermore, I will not tolerate bullying of any slytherin student. Any student that was allowed back into my school has been cleared, and therefore will not be held accountable for their parents actions. Now I have a couple of students who wish to speak. Harry."

All eyes snapped to me, some whispering about 'the chosen one' others just gaping at the fact that I have returned. I walked up awkwardly, thanking McGonagall. "Hello. I will cut introductions short because you all very well know who I am. This is not an easy time for many of us. We have been through a war, and a lot of us have lost friends and family. We are all grieving, but that is no reason to be hateful towards the slytherin students. I have actually befriended someone, that I'm sure you all know. Draco Malfoy."

I paused and waved Draco up, some students just gasped while others shouted nasty things at him. "SILENCE." I bellowed, getting angry at the uproar. I sounded like Dumbledore, and it was sickening. "Enough. I am the one who had to fight Voldemort, I am the one who was hurt several times by death eaters. I spoke for Draco Malfoy at his trials and saw that he was free-I'm glad you ask why, Zachariah-Draco Malfoy may have the dark mark, and he may have began on the wrong side.. but in the end if it wasn't for Draco I would be dead. A lot of us would be dead. He saved my life, when his Aunt asked him to identify me even when he knew it was me. He also threw me the wand that helped me defeat Voldemort in the end. He has come a long, long way from where he started, and I think if I can forgive him for it, you all should be able to."

I stopped to let Draco speak, "You all are right, I was a death eater. It wasn't something I was able to decide, my father forced it upon me, by using unforgivables on me. However that doesn't excuse my behavior to some of you, so I will say to everyone I have ever hurt emotionally or physically, I am sorry. I am sorry for how I have treated people and I am sorry for any pain my family caused in the war. I am trying to be a better person, to be my own person. I did what I had to, to protect my family. Voldemort lived in my house, he threatened to kill me and kill my family. I did what any of you would have. However again my actions towards muggleborns, half bloods, and poor people were not alright. I sincerely apologize to each and every one of you."

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