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•Harry's pov•

It was finally the weekend, I had skipped dinner after saying bye to everyone and headed to McGonagalls office. "Hey Minnie, are you coming for dinner tomorrow night?" She smiled fondly, "you know I wouldn't miss it for the world mr. Potter. How are you doing?" I just sighed, "I'm not sure anymore, I hope I can stay for a whole week at some point without being this drained by the end of it. For now I'm probably just going to go home every weekend."

"That is fine by me, Potter. Whatever you're most comfortable with." I smiled, thanking her quietly before using her floo to get back home. "Padfoot! Moony! I'm home!" I heard footsteps and someone picked me up hugging me tightly. The weight on my shoulders lifted a little and I started laughing. "Hi Sirius, it was only a week, put me down." He chuckled, putting me down and ruffling my hair. "Merlin forbid I miss my favorite Godson."

I rolled my eyes, glaring at him, "Sirius, I'm your only Godson." He just pouted, "can't you ever let me win? How did you end up being like Lily!? Where did my mini James go?!" I just laughed, smiling, "I'm sure mum will absolutely be scolding you for that one when you go join her." He continued pouting with his arms crossed and I heard more footsteps coming my way.

"Remmie!" I shouted running up and hugging him. "Hi Prongslet. How're you feeling?" I smiled, "better now that I'm home. How are you hm?" I winked and smirked. "If you're asking if he confessed his undying love for me, yes he finally did." Sirius shouted, causing Remus to sputter. I chuckled shaking my head, "I'm proud of you guys!"

"Speaking of Harry, what we talked about, how is it going?" Sirius asked, taking a more serious tone. "It's alright Sirius, I'm scared still. I've tried so hard to just push everyone away and this prat is just like.. pushing right through the walls I've built."

Sirius nodded, "it's okay to let him in, just keep him at a distance." Remus, finally recovered from his embarrassment, added on, "I agree with Sirius for once. Slowly let him in and see how it goes. I think he's a good kid, I don't want to hold prejudice towards him because of who his parents are. I do want you to be careful though."

I sighed, hearing my favorite baby giggles in the world and walking to Teddys room. "You always know when I need you huh Teddy? How are you sweet boy?" I cooed at the little one. Maybe I got a family late in life, but I was so proud of my family. The weasleys, Sirius, Remus, Teddy, and Hermione were the best people in my life.

Me and the guys decided to get take out, and watch a film. I loved teaching them how Muggle things worked, Remus being a half blood knew a lot more than Sirius, who was always so amazed. "Is he a wizard?" Sirius asked making me chuckle, "no he's a superhero Sirius. It's all animation."

"He flies around with webs that shoot out of his hand? Muggle folk can't do that." Me and Remus just laughed. I sighed curling up into Siri's side. "I shouldn't have returned to hogwarts, I'm so tired." I yawned, laying my head further on his chest.

He patted my head softly, "are you done with your food?" I nodded, tiredly. I vaguely remembered Remus getting up to throw all of our stuff away, and next thing I knew I was sleeping safe and sound.

• Draco's pov •

"Mother I'm telling you I do not fancy Potter!" I grumbled towards my mother. We'd been having this discussion for quite some time now. "You just sat here for half an hour explaining to me that he also draws pictures of you. Implying you've drawn many of him." I nodded, tilting my head, "yes so?"

She just raised an eye brow. Shaking her head, "so, Mr. Improper, that sounds like a love story to me." I just sighed, putting my head on the table and groaning in frustration. "You're impossible mother." She chuckled faintly, "only because I love you my son. I will say however that this friendship with the gryffindors seems to have you in a much calmer mood."

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