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• Harry's pov •

"Moony, pads are you guys ready!" I hollered through Remus and Sirius' dorm, "yes we are ready Harry, just have to wait for Hermione." I nodded sitting down on the couch. A couple moments later Draco and Hermione came through the door. "Hello Harry." Hermione said cheerfully, "hey Mione. Thanks again for offering to watch Teddy."

"No problem Harry! I love spending time with Teddy." I smiled kissing her forehead. "MOONY! HERMIONE IS HERE!" I screamed before turning to Draco, I immediately hugged him. "I'm so nervous." I admitted quietly. He hugged me tight and asked 'why' in my ear. "Whenever Moony pads and Sev get into a room together the only things happening are usually not good."

Draco chuckled and ruffled my hair, "I think Sev is finally ready to let all of that go." I nodded, letting go finally, lacing our fingers together instead. Sirius walked out and smirked but didn't say much, he could sense my nerves. "Draco, always a pleasure, where is your mother?" Draco smiled, "she's already at Snapes, she was teaching Liv how to c-crochet? I believe is what it's called. Muggle crafts I believe."

"I need to teach you more muggle things." Draco visibly cringed at my comment and I chuckled, "they're really not that bad." Draco nodded, "I know love, I'm just not used to it." I nodded in understanding, Draco still had a lot to learn and growing to do but I was very proud of the progress he's made this year. I was just proud of him in general, he really is amazing in every way.

I blushed at myself, shaking my head. I really needed to stop thinking so fondly of Draco. We were just friends after all. Remus finally came out of the room, and noticed me and Draco's still intertwined hands. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes, both him and Sirius have been pushing towards the idea of me and Draco getting together but I wasn't so sure.

I don't think Draco could ever have feelings for me. I wasn't even sure that I had feelings for him, I thought about him a lot.. I liked looking at him. I also quite loved being around him. I like being around a lot of people, but it's always different with Draco. He understands me in a way no one else seems to. I just wasn't sure how I felt, so I couldn't worry too much about how he felt. Everything felt so pressured from everyone.. I didn't like dealing with the constant pushes from everyone.

Draco didn't like it either, and he made everyone of the eighth years very aware of that last night. Poor Blaise had said one two many times that we should get together, and Draco lost it on all of them. I have to admit he's rather attractive when he's angry.

"Harry, darling, come to." I snapped out of my train of thought, blushing as I realized everyone was looking at me. "What? Oh sorry, I must have zoned out." Draco leaned to whisper in my ear, "you doing alright love?" I nodded, looking up at him. "Yes I'm sorry I just got lost in thought." He kissed the top of my head, "not a problem, just wanted to make sure you were alright. Are you ready?"

I walked away from Draco, picking Teddy up and giving him a quick kiss on the head. "You be good for Mione now, remember what I taught you handsome. Be like Moony not Padfoot." Sirius gasped over-dramatically clutching his chest, "he'd turn out just fine acting like me thank you very much! Moony, can you believe him?!"

"I believe he's very wise, that's my boy Harry. Alright everyone out the door, I don't wish to be late." We all nodded, not daring to argue with Remmie. Especially when it came to being late. I grabbed Draco's hand again, shouting a goodbye to Mione.

Here goes nothing.

We just arrived at Snapes, and Liv ran out the door and basically tackled me to give me a hug. "Harry you're here!" I chuckled ruffing her hair, "I told you I'd be here sweetheart." She hugged Draco, "why are you guys holding hands?" She asked curiously and I blushed, "because we're friends little lizard."

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