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• Harry's pov •

"Come on Draco!" I groaned, rolling my eyes. He was taking entirely too long. "Just one minute. Since when are you ever ready on time." I chuckled at the distress in his voice. "I want to go home and sleep in my bed and see my Teddy." I replied sternly with a pout and he sighed. "Alright alright I'm ready love." I grabbed his hand and we made our way to McGonagalls office.

"You're going to be there tomorrow Minnie?" McGonagall smiled, "must you ask me every time Mr. potter, you know I'll be there." I laughed, giving her a hug, "I just like to make sure." We went through the floo, and shortly arrived at the house. Remus and Sirius were waiting "Hey Remmie." I said hugging him tightly, and then hugging Sirius. "Hey you two, what's the plans for tonight?" Remus asked quietly.

"Games and snacks? Or muggle movies since we have two inexperienced pure bloods here." I giggled, looking between Sirius and Draco. Who both clutched their hearts and gasped dramatically, and then looked at each other in horror. Remus and I started laughing loudly, "movies it is."

We all sat on the couch, Remus and Sirius next to each other with Teddy in Rem's lap asleep. Draco and I sat on the other end of the couch cuddled up. Ignoring the look from Sirius. "Moony, why don't you take him up to the crib since he's asleep?" Siri asked and I giggled.

Remus shrugged though, smiling down at his son, "they're only little for so long. I want to enjoy it. What are we watching Prongslet?" I smiled clicking through the movies, "can we watch the Lion King?" I smiled up at Remus who nodded in approval.

"It's one of my favorites, I will sing every word of every song. I promise." I said looking at Draco who chuckled. He pulled me in closer to him, "whatever you want darling." Sirius groaned, "alright you two enough is enough. What is going on here? You're driving me crazy."

I started laughing, "nothing. What do you mean?" I batted my eyelashes instantly. "Well whatever you guys are doing you better figure it the fuck out because I'm tired of the pining."

"Oh you're one to talk padfoot, you pined over moony for a literal triple decade," I said defensively.

"I did no such thing you little shit! I told Moony I liked him. It was him who kept me waiting. You're absolutely impossible!" Sirius groaned, getting up and talking Teddy to take him upstairs. I looked at Moony with wide eyes. "I'll handle that quickly.." I mumbled softly, letting go of Draco's hand.

I walked up the stairs to Teddys nursery. "Pads.. I'm sorry." Sirius looked up sighing, "it's not your fault Prongslet. I love you, I just want you happy is all. I acted out very overdramatically. Come here." Sirius walked over hugging me tightly. "I just don't want you to wait like me and Rem did. You deserve to have happiness way sooner than that. I can tell he makes you happy."

"He makes me very happy, which is why I'm going to be asking him to be my boyfriend soon-" I was cut off with a knock at the door, "I'll get it." I mumbled walking back down to the front door. I didn't expect to see Severus Snape with a frantic look on his face. "Professor, what's wrong? Come in."

He made his way in and was pacing. "I need your help Potter. They have my Olivia. They took her, and you're what they want." I had never seen him with this much emotion. Remus stepped in, "what do you mean he's what they want? Sirius take Draco and get some water alright?" Sirius complied and took Draco into the kitchen. I sighed.

Obviously no matter how many times the death eaters get their asses handed to them they aren't going to back down. "They took her in the middle of the night, I don't know how they got through my wards. They left a note stating they would only give her back if Harry came to get her."

"That's not happening, one of us can polyjuice and do it-" I cut Remus off before he could finish. "Remus, I understand you all want to protect me but if anything goes wrong at all Liv could get hurt. I need to be the one to do this. Tell me where to go Snape I'll do everything I can to get her back."

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