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•Harry's pov•

"How was your weekend Harry?" Ron asked as I picked at the food on my plate. "Alright, we showed Sirius another film.. its always hilarious watching him question muggles. We had our regular dinner Saturday with McGonagall and Narcissa and Draco came too. It was actually a really lovely evening. Then Sunday we took Teddy out on a stroll." Ron nodded smiling at me, "and how are you doing?" I shrugged sheepishly. I hated how much they worried, but I understood it was just because they cared.

"I'm not entirely sure. I'm questioning so much. I just think that I need to use this year to figure out who I actually am. Not the chosen one, or the boy who lived. Not the war leader, or the savior. I just want to figure out who Harry is." Ron patted my shoulder, and Hermione cleared her throat, "we will be here every step of the way for you Harry."

"All of us." I turned to the voice behind me, smiling at Draco. "Hey Dray." I patted the seat next to me which he gladly took. Hermione gave me a look to which I just ignored her. I didn't want to deal with any of that today. "I think we should go to hogsmeade this weekend." Neville said, turning to us all. "I'm not sure about that Nev.." I said slowly, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Voldemort.. took enough of our lives Harry. Especially yours. I think it's time you start living for you. If the press gets in the way, Ginny can hex them." We all chuckled as Ginny overdramatically twirled her wand, winking at me. I sighed, "alright alright. I'll let you know how I feel on Friday and I will go Saturday if I'm feeling up to it." Draco smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder, "there's the gryffindor courage." He teased, making us all laugh with a roll of the eye.

"Harry, if you go we will go." Pansy said pointing to her and Blaise. Blaise agreed with a nod. "Yeah Harry, we will!" I smiled, "and they say gryffindors are the brave ones." I teased back with a wink. Everyone laughed again and I just smiled at my friends. I laid my head on Ron's shoulder and sighed in content, "you know how nice hogwarts would've been if we were all just friends from the beginning."

"Now I distinctly remember one of us trying to give our hand in friendship, the first day of hogwarts." Draco said glaring at me, I just laughed, shrugging. "You insulted my husband." I said firmly. Ron and Hermione looked at each other, and started laughing loudly. "Yeah! You insulted his brilliant husband." Ron yelled, louder than necessary. Draco started laughing as well, and I caught myself smiling at the sound. He had a beautiful laugh.

I shook off the thought, quickly sitting up. "Well I'm going to head to potions, you coming Dray?" Draco nodded, standing up after me. Hermione and Ron followed close behind, along with Pansy and Blaise. "If we walked in a group like this two years ago, the school would've exploded." Pansy said chuckling. "Blimey I can only imagine. The war is over and the school is still exploding, doing this two years ago would've caused major malfunction." I said pointedly, shaking my head at the thought.

After potions Snape had asked me to stay back. I was a bit nervous but told everyone to go without me. "I'll see you in defense Harry." I nodded, "see you then, Dray." I walked over to snape, "yes professor?" He nodded curtly, "hello.. potter. I just wanted to thank you for being so kind to Olivia despite all I have done to you." I smiled awkwardly.

"I've put it all in the past Severus. You helped just as much in the war as I did, you're one of the bravest men I know. Anyways, I wouldn't hold any of that against Liv. She seems to really love you." He half smiled, "she saved me. You're a lot like your mother as you get older, I'm sorry that I treated you unfairly because of what your father did to me." I shrugged, "like I said, in the past." He nodded, and looked back down at the stacks of paperwork he had to grade. I took that as the end of the conversation. I started to walk out again but what stopped by his voice.

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