Shane stood. "I'm coming too."

I snapped my neck to him, getting ready to tell him no.

"I'm coming. She's my sister. I'll learn my vampire abilities along the way. I've learned one already." He raised his hand. His two wooden handles landed in his hand. He smiled.

I was still doubtful but was ready to get this over with. I placed my hand on him and teleported us.

When we arrived in the North, chaos was all over. Mila and Jergan were laughing while her vampires fought Traja, Mencini, Hershel, Cain and Elsa. But what really raised my brow was the Beastillion that Declan was fighting. He was at least 11 leagues tall. The beastillion species are not of this planet. How he got here? I don't know, but they are lethal and very hard to kill. They are practically a mountain.

I looked at Shane. He was angry and sad at the same time. He hit the button on his weapons. The red ropes dropped down from the handles. They sizzled and popped. A vampire has Hershel and Elsa pinned down. He waved his hand. He sent one of the ropes from his hand towards them and sliced the vampire in half.

So much is going on. Chaos wants free reign and I'm about to let him have it.

I turned to him. He gasped at my bloody red eyes. My voice was snarlier than ever. "Don't die." I let Chaos reign. He flew straight to the beastillion. Chaos brought fire to his fist. He punched the beast in the face. He was lifted into the air. When he fell, the ground shook.

Chaos turned to Declan. "Go help the others. I got him." Declan's eyes were black, his warlock was free. "I'm coming back when I'm done," he snarled. Chaos nodded. Second later I think we misjudged in sending him away. This beastillion was strong. Very strong. Chaos made the mistake of letting him catch us and we paid dearly for it. He grabbed my body and slung me from side to side on the ground. He did this until I felt my brain was mush. Then he tossed me back over 100 leagues in the air. I was thrown hard against a building. Chaos coughed up blood. He flew back at the beast. The fight was on.


Shane Pov

"Are you ok, Elsa."

"I'm fine, Shane. Thanks." I helped her off the ground. She could take a hard punch and give just as good. "Are you still human," I asked. I know it was a dumb question to ask at a time like this, but I have to know.

Her laugh was melodious. "After almost 154 planet cycles, hardly. Don't know what I am. I guess I'm whatever Cain is. Our strength and power come from him."

"So if he was to die. What would happen to you and Hershel?"

"I don't know, honestly. Let's go. No offense, but your sister really needs killing."

As I look around at the carnage that she caused, I couldn't agree more. "I agree. Come on."

Out of nowhere a vampire kicked me and sent me flying backwards. But that isn't what distracted me. When I looked over at Mickey the big ass rock creature was holding him by the legs and throwing him from side to side over and over on the ground. Then slung him very far away until he hit a building and fell. He looked disorientated. "Mickey!" I screamed.

I was about to go to him but the nuisance of a vampire put his foot on my neck. "You can't protect your boyfriend. He's going to get what's coming to him."

I held up my hand, which confused him until my handles landed in my hand. I hit the button before he knew what was happening. I flick my wrist. His head was on the ground.

I got up and shot towards Mickey. Wait. I shot towards him. I didn't get far because I stopped myself and looked around to see how far I've gotten. Did I just vampire speed? Before I could be happy, I was hit in the chest with some large thorns. There were six of them. I fell backwards from the impact and landed on my ass. I looked up to see a ugly male that looked like he was made from tree bark. He stood over me and bowed. "Jergan at your service." I moaned as I pulled some of them from my chest. "What can I do for you?" I asked sarcastically.

He didn't answer. He shoved something into my chest. Instantly I felt my whole body become dormant. I would say relaxed. But too relaxed. I was immobile. I was feeling lethargic, weighed down.

I realized what was in the vile. Putrid blood. Dead man's blood that can weaken a vampire. When I gasped, he smiled.

"Your sister sends her regards," he said while pulling out a large ax from his back. "She told me to bring her your head. Since she asked so nicely. I will oblige."

Fuck, I can't move. I just laid there as the ax came down on my neck. 

A/N: I'm about to do something new and exciting with my books that readers will love. My books will be free soon. All of them. Periodically check my wall/ announcements for details.

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