Joel Jameson Quincy pt. 3

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Are you actually serious? I did one last episode entry to stay relevant so that I could still be a fan favorite but also keep a low profile and now I have a HIGH profile from being chosen by some wheel as the freaking announcer or whatever they said! I'm gonna have to go into hiding for 2 whole hours because of this since people will want to come and kill me now! Jesus.

Okay though, now I need to seriously make allies because I'm not tryna die here! The only reason people aren't even attacking me right now too is because I'm doing an episode and I'm in a hidden place that I'm planning on staying in unless someone somehow comes in here and beats the living HELL out of me. I hope that doesn't happen at all though.

Okay, but I also have to do my job good or I have to assume that when I do a bad job they'll either take a lot of money from me or they'll kill me. I'll have to keep a close eye on people and kill as much as I can or else I'm practically doomed. I also can't let my feelings get in the way of this either, or I'm also doomed. It's just all about staying alive for the better of myself, the viewers who are my fans, AND my family. 

Since I want to continue to keep a low profile and stay hidden, I'll be ending this episode now, bye.

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