Porsha Petrov

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They told me what I had to do, and it was simple. I just had to train to fight people. Of course, if someone beat me, they'd get a reward out of my "Disgraceful Games Bank Account" which is why I kind of have to make sure nobody beats me here. There's also the possibility I could absolutely die and nobody would feel remorseful. The only thing they'd feel is fear for themselves and more awareness because of the fact someone actually died here. I hope the fact I like people, like crushing on people super easily doesn't get in the way of my survival here. Especially since there's gonna be like so many different people and their eyes are gonna all be on me.

See, there's a timer, and people could just do nothing for the entire time but they wouldn't get the reward a winner would. Which is why once the reward is stated everyone will be fighting for the money in my balance. I hope nobody will care though because this day isn't the kind of day I feel like fighting. Eugh, especially on ovulation week. Fuck ovulation week, it makes me so weird for no reason and this week coming right as I might have to fight for my life is fucking terrible because when I see someone I like I can't bare to hurt them, let alone interact with them. I just freeze like a damn statue and ovulation week is like where all my crushes start. Better hope there's no hot guys here I guess.

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