ESCT Search Update

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Ever since we sent the ESCT after the guy who left a strange poetic note I as the narrator couldn't help but think all night about where the fuck and what the fuck they were planning to go and find that headphones man at, and the fact is we're only allowed to film and talk about this mission because it will probably give us a lot more viewers and fame. I honestly don't think that our viewers are very into suspense and mystery though, but rather plain action and drama, aren't I right? That is also why we're counting on the ESCT to find this guy quickly so that we can leave the suspense and get into the drama part. Also because this strange headphones man is trying to escape and possibly get the word out about this gameshow we have no other choice but to capture him and silence him completely by private execution, and what we mean by private is that none of the contestants will see it. The viewers will though and we'll even give this strange headphones man an episode entry just so we can see if you, the viewer actually wants him dead or not.

Now that I'm just waiting, laying on my bed with the ESCT radio in my hand I can't help but try and call out for them so that they can give me an update. My paranoid thoughts soon don't mean anything though once they actually picked up and responded on the radio. "We found him." Exciting, now this is great info for you viewers. "Get to him ASAP, orders from Zackary." I'd then turn off the radio once they agreed. Now all we have to do is just wait for them to capture this poetic boat man and bring him back for a private execution.

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