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My entire body had started to ache and little droplets of sweat started to prickle the back of my neck. "Too hard" I groaned, straining against the pull at my neck and clamping my eyes shut. "Oh shut up you're fine" Robin muttered in a amused voice and tugged a little harder, eliciting a flood wave of curse words from my slightly ajar mouth.

We were in the hotel gym getting in a good session to start the race week off right. It was Wednesday but I had taken Monday off to be with Kimi and all of Tuesday had been lost in traveling. Normally yet-lag would be a big issue but honestly my exhaustion was at such a high level that I fell asleep on the plane, arriving to the states feeling fresh as ever earlier the same morning.

Currently my head was fastened to a light green elastic band that my bitch of a performance coach was pulling at. We were pretty much done with the workout which was lucky since we had only booked the gym for a two hour session and the next booked session would begin right after ours ended. Max and his trainer had also been at the gym however he had been in an especially sour mood so they had been quick and efficient as to where Robin and I would take breaks to chat shit in between sets.

Way preferable over having to share the gym with stinky-Max and his trainer for the entire session.

"Your head was flopping around like a noodle in the last race, you lost muscle when you stopped eating. We need to build you back up again" His voice was the same as of a annoyed parent trying to make their kids to their homework.

Like I said- bitch of a trainer. "Shut the fuck up your neck is a twig" Training had me in a bad mood. I could tell that I had lost quite some muscle mass and I knew very well that I was not eating enough to gain it back fully. There was nothing worse than feeling like my progress was reversing, or we'll mabye it was an even tie between that and the straining ache in my neck muscles as Robing once again tugged at the elastic bad. "Did I not tell you it was to fucking hard?" I groaned, frustrated and tired.

"Shop shop our turn in the gym" The teasing singsong voice made my mood shift and allowed a smile to etch it's way onto my rosy face as I snatched the elastic band off my head and turned towards the door just in time to see the entire Ferrari entourage strutting through the entrance to the spacious room.

"Actually we have 3 minutes left so if you cold strut back out again that would be great, thanks love" I scrunched my nose in a fake smile while giving him the thumbs up.

"Sweetheart if you wanted to se my behind all you had to do was ask" His cocky grin and smug tone of voice made me sake my head as he crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head and giving me a sly wink.

Somebody call pest control because the butterflies in my stomach has got to go. It is not cute to be turned to mush by a wink and by the disapproving head-shake Robin gave me he found it just as un-charming as me.

Charles and I had not talked about my moment at the hotel. He had given a good go at trying to pry at the reason behind my sudden mood change, let's just say he was unsuccessful and we moved passed it like it never happened.

It almost felt a bit alarming how willing he was to go back to normal without receiving the slightest bit of explanation but I just chalked it up to me wanting to self sabotage another good thing.

"Okay enough of that" Carlos pushed past his teammate to give me a hug- a hug that he quickly pulled away from, making a disgusted face and pushing his towel towards me. "You're sweaty" He commented in a judgy voice, making me laugh slightly.

"Yeah kida happens when you work out. But maybe you are not so used to working out? Would explain a lot of things eh?" I grin as I point my finger over his body with one hand and dry my forehead of with the towel in the other one.

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