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Since this is the prologue it will be a bit different from the other chapters. The rest of the story will be written from Emmy's pov and the chapters will be much longer.
The large brightly lit room was dead silent. The only sounds being heard were the light buzzing sounds being emitted from the bright fluorescent lights and the ringing in the girl's ears. That is if you experienced it from the soon-to-be rookie's perspective.

From a general view the room was anything but silent. The RedBull team principal, Christian Horner, was speaking in an unusually loud and intense voice. Making sure to lay it on thick while explaining all the opportunities this deal would bring the girl and the RedBull racing team, to the young driver's team of managers and strategists. The team in question consisted of her pr manager, racing manager, and general advisor whom all were sitting silently beside the young girl. He animatedly gestured with his hands and tried his best to gauge any reaction from the stoic team sat opposite of him.

Not that the girl and her team really needed any convincing, it was basically a no brainer. A seat in formula one was the opportunity she had worked towards for as long as she could remember. It was her greatest dream. And considering the offered spot was with the team she already raced for as a junior driver it almost seemed to be too good to be true.

However despite the excitement the young daredevil in question really didn't hear anything but the buzzing energy and obnoxious ringing in her ears for she had since long ago zoned out.

"Miss Vilde " Horner cleared his throat while looking at her with a tight smile and a nod, not entirely impressed with her lack of interest in his rambling. The team principal always took himself very seriously and therefore expected everyone else to do so as well. Although after years of knowing her he was used to her lacking ability to focus it did still irk him slightly.

"Oh yeah sorry, what was the question?" Her gaze snapped up from the table to meet his. She bit the inside of her cheek while mentally scolding herself for not paying enough attention.

The RedBull team principal met her question with a short laugh followed by another smile. A smile that was hard to interpret, the girl could not quite determine wether it was a kind or unsettling smile so she simply settled for the first mentioned option. "I was asking if you and your team decided wether you will sign the contract or not?"

With a quick look at her team for reassurance she answered his question with a slight nod, maybe nodding more to her self than to her boss but nevertheless picking up the ink pencil placed in front of her ,giving it a good twirl between her fingers and then tapping the base of the pencil twice against the smooth cool surface of the wooden table.

The pencil was nice, clearly more expensive than it should be. It had a dark blue metal exterior with a miniature RedBull logo on the clip part. It was one of those twisty pencils instead of a clicky one, she liked that and therefore nodded to herself once-more. It held good weight and felt comfortably heavy in her hand. The only off-putting aspect of the pen was how cold it was to the touch.

"Miss Vilde" Horner repeated himself for the second time.

"Oh yeah right uhm yeah. No I mean yes, yes we have decided that I will sign the contract" stumbling over her words she looked up at him and the other RedBull team representatives with an apologetic smile, immensely embarrassed by her own lack of focus. As if her disorientation was not enough she also mentally winced at the way her Swedish accent shone through her words, the same way it always did whenever she was tired or nervous.

She looked down at the paper before her, slightly frowning at the fact that there was only one paper which quickly made her realize that there was a fuck ton of papers to be signed later, for there was never just one paper to be signed. Nevertheless she signed her name over the marked line and moved her gaze to Horner with a now beaming smile.
Christian put his hands on top of the office-chair's armrests and pushed down against them while getting up. A wide smile set over his face, this time his smile seemed more genuine. Not that he really had any real reason to be anything other than strikingly optimistic, he had just signed one of the Motorsport-worlds biggest rising stars, the formula 2 champion and the daughter of one biggest automobile names out there.

She copied his response by also standing up and walking around the table, accepting the embrace he extended towards her. She too had every reason to be overjoyed for she had just signed the contract to race for the leading f1 team on the entire grid, a spot so many had sought after bud failed to secure.

It most definitely was not very proper to be hugging just moments after signing a new contacts but the two were no strangers. The young girl had been part of the RedBull driver academy for some years before gaining her seat in f1.

"Does that mean that we are on first name basis now?" She asked with a grin, She usually did call him Christian but whenever her manager or anyone else really she would always be corrected and reminded to respectfully address him by his last name. Not that he had ever minded, the team principal had never been one to care for proper hierarchy etiquette, rather enjoying the young girls relaxed outlook on how to address the team.

"We'll I guess so Emmy"

The grin on Emmys face was obnoxiously wide as they pulled apart and he held onto her shoulders for a moment before releasing them. As she stepped to the side and sat back down the team principal shook hands with the other members of the girls team.

She felt the butterflies in her stomach as she pictured herself next year, imagining different scenarios like getting her first pole position or winning her first grand prix.

It was a gutsy move by the young girl to sign with RedBull a year before her contract with the formula 2 team Prema racing ended, therefore relying on RedBull to buy her out of her old contract. A move that to most seem like a no brainer but behind the scenes could make her appear untrustworthy where contracts and commitments are concerned. It was an unusual situation, contracts within formula 2 normally only covered one season but the one she had been offered consisted out of two separate seasons. The unheard of contract had come about for two reason; firstly her father had generously sponsored Prema with a salary much greater than required which made her into a very attractive driver prospect and secondly her father had no faith in her winning the championship during her first season which led to him wanting to ensure her at least two seasons. However then came the dilemma of her beating the odds and winning her first season in f2, leaving her excluded from the next coming season.

When everybody had re-settled into their seats Horner gestured with his hands before speaking.
"Well then we still have some things to discuss regarding your work with us pre-season, social media statements and other things regarding our new and hopefully long and prosperous teamwork."

Emmy held her hands in her lap, spinning one of her rings from between her pointer finger and thumb to between her index and pinky finger and then back again.

She looked up nodding and giving a hum to urge Horner to continue.

"Well I think it would be best to leave the statements to the pr specialists-" he gestured towards the youngsters Pr manager.
"-but of course they'll be approved by the people they concern"

"I know that you have a few free weeks now so we on the RedBull team would like for you to push your off-time up for a week to contribute to some media content as well as attending a welcome party"

The girl mentally groaned before agreeing. Her vacation was just postponed.
Authors note:
Short and sweet but this is only the introduction, I promise the other chapters will be longer!
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